BRsim Designs EMB 200 Ipanema Crop Duster now available


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Looks like a great model, includes use of the new effects system, haven't picked this up yet but I've been itching for a good crop duster!
The Embraer EMB 202 Ipanema is a Brazilian agricultural aircraft used for aerial application, particularly crop dusting. It is produced by Indústria Aeronáutica Neiva, a subsidiary of Embraer located in Botucatu, Brazil. The aircraft is widely employed in Brazil, having market share of about 80%, and the 1,000th delivery was completed on 15 March 2005. Besides aircraft, alcohol-conversion kits for gasoline-powered Ipanemas are also sold.


4 liveries with 4k Textures
Full PBR
High detailed interior model and animations
High detailed exterior model and animations
MSFS Checklist
Static Elements
Custom Spray System and Chemical Tank
Spray System uses MSFS visual particle effects.
Custom sounds using Wwise tecnology.
You beat me to it! An initial review on the "official" forum is a bit mixed, but it looks interesting. There's also a screenshot of it deploying some sort of effect - how they pulled it off without support in the sim is beyond me.

Here's a link to that thread:

I just happened to be doing some late night browsing that took me to simmarket and was surprised to see it for sale. I have got to say, I am loving these little surprises like the Ryan that just sort of appear out of nowhere.

I think I'll give this one another month or two so the developer can work out some of the kinks, though. I am very interested in picking it up but I'm also not in a hurry and it looks like there are some minor improvements that could be done.