BRsimdesigns Bonanza H35 V-Tail released

I got it, very nice model overall, interesting flight model which seems to get the handling of the V-tail correct.
The Dev did a great job in improving his previous Debonair release. Easily one of my favourites in it´s final version.

So this is a must have for me, always liked the V-tail-design and I am curious about the flightmodel.
If you have the Carenado version in FSX or P3D, any comparison thoughts?

No I never did but tested the Carenado Bonanza models on one of my friend's sims and as with many Carenado products, it had plenty of eye candy but that was about it. This model has a good feel to it but I would say that the A2A V-Tail dynamics may be superior in a number of ways but I never bought or got to test that model, the price point for me was too high considering FS2020 was right around the corner. For now, this model is nice and it replicates the early V-tail Bonanza which one of my relatives used to own the real thing. BTW, when I mention the difference in the flight dynamics of the V-tail, I have flown on a few of them, they are very fast but they have a bit of a "wobble" to them, nothing major, they are just different in the stability compared to a standard tail. As I recall, the crosswind landings were especially interesting.
I already have his excellent Debonair, so I'm wondering if this is going to feel much different, or if it'll basically be the same plane with a different tail...
It feels different, but not different enough from the Deb for me. The geometry of the model is also wrong (as was the Deb on release.) The tail is too big again, and the wrong shape. The nose and windows are also areas that need some updating. That said, she's fun to fly and I don't ultimately regret the purchase, I just wish it was cheaper or even free for people who bought the Debonair as it isn't really different enough to warrant the price (especially given that both are using stock Asobo sounds. They are good sounds so it's not a dealbreaker at least.)
It feels different, but not different enough from the Deb for me. The geometry of the model is also wrong (as was the Deb on release.) The tail is too big again, and the wrong shape. The nose and windows are also areas that need some updating. That said, she's fun to fly and I don't ultimately regret the purchase, I just wish it was cheaper or even free for people who bought the Debonair as it isn't really different enough to warrant the price (especially given that both are using stock Asobo sounds. They are good sounds so it's not a dealbreaker at least.)

I noticed a number of things were off but overall it is still pretty nice. Maybe the Dev will rework it a bit in a future update.
I really liked the model, I'm trying to texture it using medieval techniques, as Blender makes a huge mistake.
