Brtish Night Fighter reference books.


Or rather the lack of them!:banghead: I have been trying for some timne to get hold of reference books on British night fighter operations and successes. There are various biographies of individual pilots around but no good reference books such as those for the Luftwaffe Nachjtagd, including the Nachtjagd War Diaries and others by Hinchcliffe and Boiten. A seller on eBay said he had one but it turned out to be an autobiography by Rawnslay and Wright similar to that by Cunningham's and Braham's; he got upset when I asked to return it!

The only one I have found so far, and got just now, is "No Place for Chivalry" by Goodrum which does at least give quite good details on East of England by the night fighter squadrons in the Digby/Wittering control areas.

Happy to hear of any others.:wavey:
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I know you know this but

Tony Woods claims list is the best source. There were not that many high score RAF nightfighters aces....nature of the beast
Ah yes. Forgot about him! Thanks for the reminder but yes; The RAF NF didn't have the oppo as the LW NJ did!
Hi James,
The "Defiant file" and "The turret fighters" both by Alec Brew have operational information about those early night fighters. The latter book is an update on the former BTW. If your interested I could try and photograph the pages.
Hi Clive, If you have the time, that would be nice and a help for doing some missions. Enjoy the week end; still a bit chilly and cloudy I think!