Brunosk_Spitfire Mk.Vb


Charter Member
Bonjour tout le monde,

I'm trying to find some skins for the really gorgeous :applause:Bruno Escaravage Spitfire Mk.Vb. I know that RobH has done a few but they are presently inaccessible until repairs are finished on the site...

Are there any others who generally post on Sim-Outhouse who might have done some ?:kilroy:

Does any one know of a "paintkit" for this particular plane ?:kilroy:

Thanks for the help :jump:

Hi Dogknot,

The problem is not finding Robh's files but occurs only when I attempt to download them....:kilroy:

I get that dreaded 404 error message stating that the path is corrupt...

So, still no joy...

I guess we all have to be patient during the rehabilitation period...:icon_lol:

Thanks anyway,

Check at the big two (flightsim/Avsim) for 'Brian Hill', he often if not always puts his repaints up to one of them.
Thanks for the tips JD :jump:

Tried my luck at Flightsim but as sometimes happens, they fall short on some of the newer files...:kilroy:

Tried also Avsim but something seems to be wrong with the site as it has me slowed to a snail pace...:kilroy:
Will try again later !:running:

Sopwith Chameleon did some repaints as well, which are available on his site as well.


Greetings Huub,

Thank you for the link to Sopwith's site. It would seem, though that the coveted downloads are effectively linked to Sim-Outhouse... download library where I keep getting that 404 error message...:confused: :banghead: :isadizzy:

I'll keep the info handy for that day when everything is back to normal...:kilroy:

Sorry Fleurdelys, I had not realised the link went back to the Outhouse again.


Greetings Huub,

Thank you for the link to Sopwith's site. It would seem, though that the coveted downloads are effectively linked to Sim-Outhouse... download library where I keep getting that 404 error message...:confused: :banghead: :isadizzy:

I'll keep the info handy for that day when everything is back to normal...:kilroy:


..........if you can't wait, I can zip 'em up and send them to you .........send me a pm ........

Pete (Agas 5) did some as well .............. 5&ammm=15&pap=2#download

.............but you can't get them either .......................(yet) :pop4:
Bonjour Sopwith,

"Can I wait...or not" ...:kilroy:

Gee, that's a tough one, all things considered...

I would tend to say send them but then, I'm not so hot about making a nuisance of myself...:icon_lol:

Thanks for the info about Agas 5; didn't know that he had done some...

Will certainly look into it "eventually" along with the others...:kilroy:

In the meantime, I'll :icon29: to that...
