Bubble Top Spitfire and Tempest VI?


Charter Member
Anyone ever seen a bubble top Spitfire for CFS3? Then newest Spitfire I've seen is the AvHistory Spit 14...an excellent looking plane BTW.

Also, someone here said a long while back they were going to be working on a Tempest VI. Is that still in the works?
I did have somewhere a mk17 Seafire with bubble canopy, it was a crude conversion of the mk1 model, will see if it still exists!
Johno_UK had a Tempest Mk.VI (and Mk.II) in mind a while back, but afaik it was never started - real life got in the way. I do hope he finishes that Sea Fury, it was still to get a new VC.

A bubble top Spit Mk.XVI would be rather nice, the one with cropped wings. That's the LF Mk.XVI, Packard Merlin engine. Doodlebug launch site hunting with a 500lb bomb (or two?) slung underneath. :d
What I want is a nice Mk22, so I can paint it in Southern Rhodesian Air Force colours!

Talking of which, Revell have re-released the old 1/32nd Matchbox Mk22. Must get it before it's too late! It may be pretty primitive, but at least it exists.
Found it, I told you it was crude and needs a lot of work!
Not sure if/when I'll get round to doing anything else with it, if anyone wants it just ask. :)

I like it. I hope you finish it soon. Is that going to be a 4x20mm setup?

It has been dispatched to someone a lot more capable than I to have a look at it. Fingers crossed that it's useable :)
Was the bubble tops nose that short? Maybe shaving a 14 would be better?
They were on the MK XVI(16) I believe. Those were powered by Packard built Merlins...but then wouldn't have 5 blade props.

BTW...where do you get M3Ds usable in GMax of existing aircraft?

I'd like to modify some existing M3Ds if possible...like the Tempest. Making a MKV into a MkVI. Simply adding the coolers in the wing. It seems like the easiest mod to do.

Also, I wonder why noone has ever fixed the stock P-47D to look like a real razorback "D". The CFS3 version of the razorback has the short nose of the "B".

A dorsal fin to the existing P-47D-25 "bubbletop" would be a nice "fix".
BTW...where do you get M3Ds usable in GMax of existing aircraft?

You can't unfortunately, although there is the gmax model for the stock P47 (and JU88) in the cfs3 sdk. Not sure if they're complete models though.
The model I had is too old and low poly, so for now it's off I think.
Bummer. That's too bad.

I'm really suprised with the popularity of Spitfires that more Models haven't been made. Even old flight sims had the bubbletop 14's in them. Strange that the standard CFS3 only had the older outdated Spits.
Spitfire 14's were around in early 1944...more than a year before the end of the war. Thank god Gregoryp from AvHist made his.
The AvH Mk14 model is by Zuyax (FM by Gregory) and no-one by common consent has made a better one. I think the Spit is so well known and well documented that modellers looked at it as a model they might aspire to build one day, but held back until more confident. Nowadays the number of modellers building for CFS3 are few, so we shouldn't be so shy and retiring! :costumes:

The AvH is one of my favourite fighters, along with their Fw190D.