Just added some details. Should be up s**n.........
I had a report that Schellingwoude is lacking the beachline and thus is too far in the water. Mine is fine as you can see in the screenies above. Please let me know if something is wrong on your end and what mesh you've got installed if so.
Your Schellingwoude scenery appears identical to the
photo I have. I do note that when starting from parking
space 1, the aircraft is aground. This is not a problem
to me since this keeps the plane "moored". I slew to
the area in front of the main shed or strait out a bit
to start the taxi run. When returning to the base, the
airplane seems to drag the bottom a bit near the sheds,
but is able to maneuver into the parking space.
I use the global terrrain mesh from Simviation to
maintain consistency worldwide.