Bulletholes Randomised


Charter Member
Each mos file calls for a specific bullet hole texture when an aircraft is hit at a particular place. If you shoot at the same planes long enough, you will become familiar with the bullet hole pattern on a particular aircraft. It is fully predictable and determined by the mos file.

Riffing on the theme of CFS3 picking up a required texture name from anywhere within an install, just like aircraft skins, the same thing can be done with different bullethole textures given the same name.

I have uploaded six folders of the stock bulletholes and GC bulletholes, and in each folder the names are shuffled so that, for example, there are six different textures given the name bullethole_01.

The shuffled texture names I have uploaded mean that the shot-up appearance of an aircraft will not always be the same.

Once approved, the upload will appear under CFS3/Other/Effects
A couple of questions/ comments David.

1. When I search bullethole* I get a few in fxtextures; vc_bullethole01 through vc_bullethole09; and in aircraft a lot called bullethole_nopaint_0x. In addition there are special ones like bullethole_wood_xx, as well as 18 bullet holexx files. Also of course several are duplicated in various shared folders!:dizzy:

2. Any way to know quickly what the various ones are used for?

3. Any reason why all the duplicates shouoldn't be eliminated and put into one folder; maybe the fx texture one? There are in fact duplicates of gc_bullethole01 through gc_bullethole05.

4. I note your 5 folders have a Hurricaneskin folder; any reason?

5. All folders have bullethole_01 through to bullethole_16. These also have been randomized; correct; so single bullet holes won't be the same; in terms of placing or actual appearance?

7. Although there are no equivalent cannon holes to the gc_bullethole0x's, could the individual cannonhole_01 to 05 be usefully randomized; which is partly related to #5?
A couple of questions/ comments David.

1. When I search bullethole* I get a few in fxtextures; vc_bullethole01 through vc_bullethole09; and in aircraft a lot called bullethole_nopaint_0x. In addition there are special ones like bullethole_wood_xx, as well as 18 bullet holexx files. Also of course several are duplicated in various shared folders!:dizzy:

2. Any way to know quickly what the various ones are used for?

3. Any reason why all the duplicates shouoldn't be eliminated and put into one folder; maybe the fx texture one? There are in fact duplicates of gc_bullethole01 through gc_bullethole05.

4. I note your 5 folders have a Hurricaneskin folder; any reason?

5. All folders have bullethole_01 through to bullethole_16. These also have been randomized; correct; so single bullet holes won't be the same; in terms of placing or actual appearance?

7. Although there are no equivalent cannon holes to the gc_bullethole0x's, could the individual cannonhole_01 to 05 be usefully randomized; which is partly related to #5?

hi James, per Q1, none of the textures you mention are stock. there are a number of new lots of bullethole textures particularly for cockpit damage, they are not affected by my upload.

Q2: I suspect for the SJ_ series of aircraft.

Q3: What duplicates specifically? if they are not stock names i am not worried about them. That is an individual housekeeping matter.

Q:4 Ooops redundant folders just chemo brain!

Q5: The job of randomization is not fully done - in the Readme I encourage people to finish the job if they want. I have done 5-6 variations of most stock bullethole textures. So there is a reasonable opportunity for different textures to appear for each of the stock bullet holes.

Q7: IIRC I have randomised the cannon holes?