BUNTY aka CIVILIAN COUPE Mk2 - another low & slow

Dev One

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That looks awesome! Love the craftsmanship. Downloading as I type. Love those .... well everything. :jump:

Thank you Keith ... Wow!
I should thank you Milton, I've learn't a lot from you.
This one though seemed a bit different as its the only one where I have seen, photographed & done some basic measurements before starting work on her. My main visit to that hangar was to get interior info & photos of the DH 90 Dragonfly. I did though have to reduce polys galore to get it to compile for FS9, so now I must try to learn how to do more polys & maybe make it FSX native which I understand from you does not have the same limitation.
Maybe my biggest hurdle though will be learning the different xml (or is it C++) layout!
I should thank you Milton, I've learn't a lot from you.
This one though seemed a bit different as its the only one where I have seen, photographed & done some basic measurements before starting work on her. My main visit to that hangar was to get interior info & photos of the DH 90 Dragonfly. I did though have to reduce polys galore to get it to compile for FS9, so now I must try to learn how to do more polys & maybe make it FSX native which I understand from you does not have the same limitation.
Maybe my biggest hurdle though will be learning the different xml (or is it C++) layout!


FSX is very different to model for (well, animations and textures mainly) but at least the poly restriction isn't there like FS9. The xml stuff you will pick up on; pretty much everything you need (or something very close) is already available. FSDeveloper is a great place to to learn, get help, and find the answers to questions you will have.

Thanks again. :)
Fun little plane... gave it a shot in P3Dv3! :encouragement:


Bunty in P3D

TuFun, thanks for that video, nice bit of flying! Even though I've flown it lots of times during development I will still come in too hot & run out of runway!
I certainly like the P3D effects & shadows, maybe I should upgrade & then the mouse clicks would work!
Thanks for sharing.
FSX users might be pleased to know that I have uploaded to Britsim & to Flightsim an update that enables the engine start to be operated using the LH magneto toggle. You should also hear the 'Contact' call before engine rotation.
FS9 users already have this capability.
Thanks to Dave Garwood who provided me with the correct path link to use the dsd sound gauge.

File called 'Bunty FSX update'

FSX is very different to model for (well, animations and textures mainly) but at least the poly restriction isn't there like FS9. The xml stuff you will pick up on; pretty much everything you need (or something very close) is already available. FSDeveloper is a great place to to learn, get help, and find the answers to questions you will have.

Thanks again. :)

Spent a lot of time over Christmas searching for the missing FSX Gmax gamepack & loading it! On the way I uninstalled FSX Acceleration, having first taken 9 hours to transfer all my FSX files to a USB as a safety, (just as well I did that). Then uninstalled FSX vanilla & reinstalled but came across the usual brick wall of registering the Basic FSX. Very frustrating only helped with the fluid presents I received!
Now unable to uninstall Acceleration & then register even adding SP1 & SP2 as I want to have one system without Accel, as found its that that stops wingfold operating on my portovers! Now have FSX & Accel on both laptop & tower, & have the gamepack for FSX Gmax working on the laptop! At least one point achieved......& have got the Tower system to have a registered FSX+A using system restore & the USB download. Tried unsucessfully to do the M$ recommended way to cure the registry, so thankful I did the USB now. Had a bit of a problem (now cured) with the .ini for the Gmax thats not highlighted in the FSdeveloper instructions and had a duplicate .dle file on the C & D drives. Need now to get Tower into same state, I think I can then tackle a complete FSX uninstall with also a registry clean on my laptop to see if I can have a registered FSX SP2 standard on that.
Sorry if this is Off Topic, just venting.......