Bush Flying Unlimited files - BFUAI files - all SEVEN zips!


Greetings everyone,

Was doing some file cleaning and came across a bunch of BFU zips all pertaining
to the BFUAI universe of AI aircraft, AFCADs, Readmes, Effects, Traffic files, and
Screenshots. I have put all seven ZIPs in one master zip. If you would like a
copy - PM here and will be happy to share. Take care and keep flying.

Ed Moore
Additional info on file contents - BFU

The BFUAI AFCADs zip has 274 afcad locations.
Within the BFUAI Aircraft zip has 36 BFU AI aircraft and textures.
BFUAI TRAFFIC zip has a compiled BGL for traffic along with the source files for airports, aircraft and flight plans.
The BFUAI Effects file has four effects. The BFUAI Readme zip has details on how and why the BFUAI works.
The BFUAI VoicePack zip has the files for callsigns.
Last the BFUAI Screenshots zip has 46 pictures of the specific BFU aircraft in AI world.

Thanks and take care.

Ed Moore
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