This sim is starting to test my patience... Yesterday I decided to try out the bush trips. I picked the California/Nevada trip. It wasn't clear to me if it expected me to fly the entire route without stopping, or if I could land at the airport waypoints and continue later. So I flew the first leg and landed at Inyokern. Sim said I completed leg 1. So far so good. It was a lot of fun. Today I started the sim, went to the bush trips, and it said "continue" and had leg 2 selected. Perfect. Clicked on "continue" and the sim started to load then went CTD. Tried it again. CTD. Launched the sim a third time and tried to start a normal flight. Sim said "Your packages are out of date. To continue you must return to the sign on page. Do you wish to continue?" Something like that. I selected "yes". The sim went pack to the old old startup sequence, and wanted me to "Press any key to continue". Didn't they fix that in one of the updates? And the stupid music was back. Pressing the "any key" had no effect. Killed the application with the Task Manager. Rebooted the computer. Launch the sim. It went straight to the Accessibility Settings page (WTF?) Clicked "Next". Went to the content manager. It said my Carenado Mooney had an update. Installed it. Started a flight. Savage Cub. Many settings had been changed. All the "assistance" settings were back on, telling me how to use the rudder, and how to look around, etc. Reset all those back to where I had them (off). Everything seems to work now, even the log book! That hasn't worked for months. Go figure. I haven't returned to the bush trip yet. I don't dare...