A while ago, I was testing the Alpha Sim freeware F-4s and F-8s in FS2004...they work pretty darn well for the most part...including their built in After Burner/Catapult feature (Shift F4 shoots to to 150kts very very quickly). Anyhoooo...my wife wanted me to scoop us up some Butter Pecan icecream...so I left my sim running while I endulged. Came back in and had more AI activity than I have ever seen in the sim....there were 5 planes waiting for me to move so they could take off (including 2 747s) and about 10 planes flying holding patterns waiting to land. So, I slewed my plane off the runway and sat back to watch the mayhem unfold. Planes were everywhere...at one point there were 6 planes on final approach, 1 landed and the other 5 had to climb back up for a go around. Took nearly 45 minutes for all the planes waiting to land to land and all the planes waiting to take off to take off. Was quite an interesting show.