Busy day at KSEA


Retired SOH Admin
A while ago, I was testing the Alpha Sim freeware F-4s and F-8s in FS2004...they work pretty darn well for the most part...including their built in After Burner/Catapult feature (Shift F4 shoots to to 150kts very very quickly). Anyhoooo...my wife wanted me to scoop us up some Butter Pecan icecream...so I left my sim running while I endulged. Came back in and had more AI activity than I have ever seen in the sim....there were 5 planes waiting for me to move so they could take off (including 2 747s) and about 10 planes flying holding patterns waiting to land. So, I slewed my plane off the runway and sat back to watch the mayhem unfold. Planes were everywhere...at one point there were 6 planes on final approach, 1 landed and the other 5 had to climb back up for a go around. Took nearly 45 minutes for all the planes waiting to land to land and all the planes waiting to take off to take off. Was quite an interesting show.

You should see it when you have most all PAI and WoAI stuff loaded, along with the GA stuff from Ultimate AI (mostly business jets,) Henry Tomkiewicz's payware Cessna singles assortment, which includes a traffic bgl putting Cessna's at most all airports, totally separate from the stock ai, as well as MAIW's stuff. And now, with Alpha India Group!! You definitely need AISmooth or AISeparation running, or things get really packed.