Buzzing the tower..........

Zat vuz funny... ven you land... report to mine offize immediately!!!!

Zat waz me in der mezz hall you pazzed over, unt I zpilled mine Jagermeister all over mine tunic!!!

You vill be cleanik Uberuselz for monthz after zat ztunt!!!

{OvS mumbles to himself as he walks towards the Officers hall} - I zpend months teaching deez knuckheadz how to fly unt kill, and diz iz der danks I yet.... zpillik der drinkz!!! I zhould have him zhot!!! Better... make him fly Kissenberth's Kamel!! Jah... that vould fix him!!

Zat vuz funny... ven you land... report to mine offize immediately!!!!

Zat waz me in der mezz hall you pazzed over, unt I zpilled mine Jagermeister all over mine tunic!!!

You vill be cleanik Uberuselz for monthz after zat ztunt!!!

{OvS mumbles to himself as he walks towards the Officers hall} - I zpend months teaching deez knuckheadz how to fly unt kill, and diz iz der danks I yet.... zpillik der drinkz!!! I zhould have him zhot!!! Better... make him fly Kissenberth's Kamel!! Jah... that vould fix him!!


OvS, You're the immersion specialist!!! :medals::applause::ernae:

I really enjoy all those comments you make in role-play genre and maybe we would be able to see some in P3 too...

And I'm sure you'll tell me there's no role-play involved

I remember well all the stories about your time spend in captivity in the PD's dungeon but unfortunately, there's no record of it anymore and I expect you're involve in the destruction of all your debreifing reports:costumes: