Bye bye OFF

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OFF has moved its web forum? Is it still using CFS3 or is it based on Thirdwire software.
OFF is now payware. Am I right with that statement? CombatACE is a pay for membership site.
sad to thinK OFF , woul dleave where they managed to get a start and all .

never forget where the life began .

Found this may be onesided


Over Flanders Fields and Sim Outhouse drama

Posted by David on March 04, 2009 12:16AM

Well, it looks like Sim Outhouse, which hosts the Over Flanders Fields forums, has pulled the rug out from under the fans by threatening to close down its forum soon:
The primary reason behind the pending closure of the OFF forums here at SOH is not the fact that OFF phase 3 is a commercial add-on. That is a factor, but not the big one.


Getting back to the big reason...
The OFF forums alone are the single biggest cost of volunteer staff/admin manpower here at SOH.
Now...this is not me saying that the whole bunch of you guys are bad! There are a bunch of good members here!
But, due to a select few constant trouble-makers, the OFF forum is always in constant need of a staffer or admin on-duty 24/7 and has been the cause of several staff members giving up over the frustration.

-Moparmike (SOH Administrator)
As a result, the OFF crew have been setting up shop elsewhere, and have since removed the forums link from their main website.

The original OFF Phase 3 forum is still accessible for those who bookmarked it, but it's been removed from the Sim Outhouse forum index. In the meantime, it looks like a few OFF team members have shown up at the freely-run CombatACE OFF forums.

This is too bad, but I can't say I haven't had bad experiences myself at the OFF forums. Regardless, it does look fishy that this comes soon after the end of the Sim Outhouse donations drive. A lot of OFF forum members contributed money to a forum that would only be relevant to them for several weeks after their donations were made. The SOH admins appear to have no sympathy. One concerned donor wrote to the admins and received this as a reply:
You made a donation to the
SOH which has been hosting the Off
forums there is a seperate off donation
for which we have been showing medals and that i guess is what you where donating for
but we have had enough of the
bad manners and lack of respect
from the forum
i have been in contact with Mark
and it seems that the off team does not need us
so bye bye
sorry but thats the way it is
Just for the record we didn't "scarper" we were informed (and all OFF forum users) in the forum via a public post from Ickie that the forum was to be closed, apparently as none of the mods knew it was a commercial mod ... and in later posts it was said we were taking up too much time.

Only after Ickie's post incident did we finally look to find somewhere else.

Anyway thanks for SoH's team for work in the past, and now we have to look to our future. See you at CombatAce forums!

sorry, deleted it.

There's obviously no point in discussing things here,
or call a spade a spade.
greetings and bye,

Can we get this thread deleted. It is serving no useful purpose in this forum. All of the "He said She said" stuff can be discussed over at the OFF forum. The OFF team and players are great guys as are the SOH team,we just don't need to hash this over here.


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