C-130 AI and how do you set up AI traffic


Retired SOH Admin
I am looking for an AI C-130 to add to the stock Mansfield Lahm Regional (MFD) in Mansfield, Ohio. This airport is just a few miles from my house (as the crow flies) and is home to the 179th Air Wing of the Air National Guard. They fly C-130s (and I've heard that they are getting in some C-5s) and I see these transport/cargo planes flying around every day...including low level passes over my house...which sends the dogs into a round of intense barking. Would be nice adding some C-130 AI traffic to the field so I can sit and watch them take off and land...maybe even do some patterns with them.

Is there an AI C-130 package (Freeware) available? And how the heck does one go about setting up AI traffic patterns...taxiing, take off, flights, landings...the whole nine yards.

Here you go "Ohio Air Force Project" by Michael Guenthner available at Flightsim .com everything you need for Mansfield Herc,s plus a lot more.

Regards Paul Day.
And how the heck does one go about setting up AI traffic patterns...taxiing, take off, flights, landings...the whole nine yards.OBIO
Lee Swordy came up with 2 packages without which FS9 AI would not be the same:
AFCAD (For parking and airport data) and
Traffic Tools (For the AI flightplans)
Both are freely available for download at the usual suspects, both have extensive help files.
If the bug bites, there are many here who can add to your experience...
Also if you get the doing your own AI traffic bug, there a program that edits the text files that Traffic Tools creates called yRoute. I use it and can't recommend it enough.

I'm with Willy and Wing Z on that, those 3 proggies are indispensable for AI work. I'm still learning, but it's hard not to get it to work to some degree. AFCAD is a must, I loved it so much I bought the predecesor AFX. can't recommend them enough!

Thanks for all the info and tips gents. Will come in handy.

I am downloading the Ohio Air Force Project now. I am so looking forward to seeing those big beautiful C-130s taking off from and landing at MFD...and perhaps flying in low level formations with them. Earlier today, three of them came in low and fast over my house..those 12 turbo props sure did fill the air with sound!

You'll probably find this out for yourself sooner or later...but this may save a little head-scratching for you.
If you fly formation circuits with AI, on the downwind leg they may well decide to give you right of way, and just keep going forever.
When you reckon the base turn is overdue, go first (and even make a 360 if necessary).