C-152 repaint - N95508


One of the planes I did my PP training in, back at GFW in Nashua in 1996. The plane was apparently exported to Poland in 2007. I think this was the Aerobat I did spin training in, I might be wrong on that. Serial# 15285910. In any event, it was manufactured in 1984. I need to add the accent stripe now, and find some pictures of the nose. I wonder if there's a way to get the N-Number Decal to be italic?

Edit: Found a pic of another 1984 C-152 with similar paintjob to confirm the nose N95300...


So, the wood paneling panels that the repainters have done for the C-152 are nice, except they got it backwards... I'm pretty sure this is what the cockpit looked like in N95508.

I'll have to see if I can figure out how to do this.

There, that's better... A little dark maybe, but I'll let it settle for a bit...

Don't know if I want that red rug, though... sometimes things can be tooo '80's...

So I was going through the preflight, and I realized they forgot to put the fuel drains in the C-152... Kinda dangerous I'd say...
Where to Place?

Sorry everyone, please don't hold it against me but...

AVSIM and FLIGHTSIM.COM are accepting uploads....

Once SOH has a place to download your great work, then come back home....


I uploaded it to flightsim.com. I made a couple more changes, too. I realized the spinner should probably be white for this model year, so I changed that, but still included the red spinner for those who want it.



Time to go flying now....
