C-160 Transall

Payware & Quote from the page you linked....

The Transalladdon "First in, Last out" is only on our website abailable.

not sure how to get to the 'shop' mentioned though.
Just had a look at the site. The prob is that the Transall-addon was a charity project by members of LTG 61 (air transport wing) operating the C-160. This unit will be dissolved until late 2017 due to the new arrival of the Airbus A400M. Airbase Penzing, the home of LTG 61, is too small for the new kite, so it will be closed down.

The plane is still available and can be purchased here: https://www.2bequipped.com/shop/son...er-den-microsoft-flugsimulator?number=C160ADD

The site seems to be only in German, though.

There were some updates and repaints to grab at the old site, still have to figure out where to find them ...

Edit: Order the DVD and you will get all updates, repaints and AI-files. :culpability: