C-17 Flare Effects


Charter Member 2011
No military transport should be without...


FS2004/FSX Boeing C-17 Flare Effect
Name: c-17flare_effect.zip Size: 2,985,778 Date: 06-19-2010
FS2004/FSX Boeing C-17 Flare Effect (will work in any aircraft). By Claudio Pizzirani.
Cool FX Mate - saw those files in the Flightsim library ..... would look great with the KBT Super Hornet ...

Don't know if it's appropriate to a fighter...wouldn't that be a single aft-firing flare stream?
This one looks quite similar to the C-130 pack.

I quite liked the way this effect lit up the aircraft surfaces.
Cool FX Mate - saw those files in the Flightsim library ..... would look great with the KBT Super Hornet ...

Mike, you would need to change the effect to show two or three flares at the most. The ALE-39's we loaded in 305 were a mix of chaff and flare. The exact numbers I won't discuss here (OPSEC). You would also have to move the location of the effect to just under and behind the intakes. On the A-D models there was one bucket on each side.

That said it would be cool to see a Hornet puking loads of flares out the back.
looks nice, is that the AS C-17? If so does it have a VC yet? Just read that A51 have cancelled theirs!!

What would be cool is an AC-17 as a what if replacement for the AC-130, heck, maybe reality in the future.
