C-46 panel absentee


Charter Member 2014
I'm spending a fair amount of time these days flying the v2 C-46. I have installed Markus's modern panel because, in my advancing years, I find the larger gauges easier to read. I noticed just recently, though, that there is no airspeed gauge. Now how did I miss THAT? I did the install according to the numbers but the gauge is just not there. The same panel, installed in the earlier version of the C-46, did not have this problem. Does anybody have any ideas about why this? Is there some difference between the two versions that might be responsible? All I know is that I am stumped. Thanks in advance. LA
If I'm not too wrong (currently at work...), I made use of the stock DC-3 ASI. This gauge is included with a cab-file ("douglasdc3.cab" ?) residing in the DC-3's panel folder.
Pasting a copy of this cab-file into your main gauges folder should solve this issue...

Glad I could help, mate! :ernae:

Just for the record (and if anyone else is experiencing this problem):
The name of the gauge file needed is "douglas_dc3.cab".
