C-46 textures


Charter Member 2014
Has anyone else had trouble adding textures to the Tom Gibson v2 update of Libardo’s C-46A? As far as I can tell from the readme all textures for that plane can be used on the v2 model.

I have tried adding any number of textures to it and one of two thing has happened every time; either the information on the added skin has shown up in the aircraft menu bit no airplane (Black screen) or nothing hat all seems to happen.

I am no newbie at this. I have added countless textures to countless planes but have never met with this kind of problem. Even relatively extensive editing of the aircraft cfg has not helped. I’m at a loss for why this is so hard to do. Am I missing something really important?

I have added a bunch and never had any trouble, other than the occasional typo on my part.
So how about posting a [fltsim=##] section for one of those you are trying that don't work along with one that does work. 100 eyes see more than 2.

I think you will find that the problem is in the aircraft cfg file. You need to ensure (and edit if necessary) when adding a texture that the relevant "sim" line reads C-46A and not C46A as,without the hyphen,the new texture will not show.
You should have [fltsim.xxxxx],next line "title=" and then the next line is "sim=" and this is where you need to make the change.
If a texture doesn't show I always go first to the aircraft cfg and check for any discrepancies.
Hope this solves your problem.
Oops... I should have read your message more carefully before jumping in as it seems that you have already checked the aircraft cfg file. Apologies and I hope someone else can help you.
I have added a bunch and never had any trouble, other than the occasional typo on my part.
So how about posting a [fltsim=##] section for one of those you are trying that don't work along with one that does work. 100 eyes see more than 2.


What Stefan said except about the occasional typo bit. I would use the word -- frequent for my typing.

I just finished porting the C-46 ver 2 over to fsX, so already had all the liveries installed. So posting your aircraft.cfg details would be of great assistance in helping out
One further thought. Each of the three separate models in the v2 download had its own aircraft cfg and consequently additional textures had to be assigned to the right model. You probably already know this but it caught me out first time.
The thing I'm always hosing up when transferring or installing textures is the "sim" entry. I figure I'm going to enjoy this wonderful new texture and fire the sim up only to get a black screen in the preview. Upon examining the config entry I find out I made a typo and forgot to put in the right "sim" entry and it causes instant midnight to descend on the sim. This can be as simple as dropping a letter or forgetting to put in a hyphen, or putting it in with too many spaces. Gotta watch the little things, they can trip you up.

There's only one other instance for me of getting this right and still having a black screen, and that's the occasional FSX texture going into FS9. In my case this happened with the Convair R3Y Tradewind. It happened also when I tried to convert this to an FS9 aircraft, which I am hoping someone will do. That's another story, though . . .

Send in a copy of the config and we'll take a look!
Generally speaking IF all entries are correct but the texture can't be displayed, such as when a large FSX texture is accidentally placed into FS9 the preview simply shows a grey model of the aircraft in question. I am not sure I have ever seen a black screen in that scenario.
The same is true if the texture= xxx line and the texture folder name don't match up.
The black screen is more indicative that the simulator can not find the model called up by the sim= line.
In that case it has no canvas to paint the textures on.

The only difference in the "sim =" that I can see is that in some cases the "C-46A" directly follows the "=", while in others there is a space between them. I have never known this to make a difference before. So, below is the "Base Model" cfg in BLUE, and two of the attempted add-on texture cfgs in RED. Maybe I spaced something out and just do not see a difference. Sometimes my brain is not the boss. Thanks for offering to help!


title = C46A Base Model
sim = C-46A
model =
panel =
sound =
texture = Base Model
kb_checklists =
kb_reference = C-46A_FAA_Ref
atc_id_enable = 1
atc_id = N12345
atc_id_color = 0x00000000
atc_id_font = Verdana, -11, 1, 600, 0
ui_manufacturer = "Curtiss"
ui_type = "C-46A Commando"
ui_variation = "Base Model"
visual_damage = 0
description =

title = C46A Everts Air Fuel
sim = C46A
model =
panel =
sound =
texture = Everts
kb_checklists =
kb_reference = C46_Ref
atc_id = N54514
atc_flight_number = 487
atc_airline = Everts
atc_heavy = 0
atc_parking_types =CARGO
atc_parking_code =
ui_manufacturer = "Curtiss"
ui_type = "C-46A Commando"
ui_variation = Everts Air Fuel
visual_damage = 0
description = Curtiss C-46A\n\For use with V0.98 beta C-46A FD air file!

title=C46A BUFFALO C-FAVO2009
ui_type=C-46A Commando
ui_variation=Buffalo C-FAVO (2009)
atc_parking_types =CARGO,RAMP
description=BUFFALO's C-FAVO in her 2009 appearance. Repaint by Markus Hellwig.

EDIT: all of the texture names are correct, as far as I can see. LA
As i had suspected The SIM line is the culprit.

Sim=c-46a works because the air file is named c-46a.air

That always makes a difference ;)
The space however does not make a difference.

Eeeek! I just saw the difference. I think i'll put my prosthesis on "automatic" and kick myself around the house. Damn those stupid little hyphens.
yep, the hyphen was the difference. all's well that end's with the new texture showing up correctly. Anybody seen my dunce cap?

I've done that before myself. Sometimes I can look at it for hours and not see the forest for the trees.
No worries mate, that happens to all of us from time to time.
I have tried different approaches to avoid the occasional hiccup such as this.
For example copying the model and sim lines from an existing variation rather than typing or relying on those lines supplied by the texture artist. But even then there is still room somewhere for a mismatch that keeps the aircraft from showing up.
One of my more common ones is that the ui_manufacturer line simply does not have the "correct" name behind it.
Pod course that does not prevent the ad from being shown and flown...but I often fail to find it in the list and then go back to the cfg to search for errors.

I grew up in metro Detroit, and our home was right under one of the approaches to Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Willow Run was the field adjacent to the old B-24 plant in Ypsi (pronounced "ipsi") and it is now the air freight, charter and limited commuter field for metro Detroit. When I was a kid (I would have been around 10 or 11 years old) Zantop and Flying Tiger C-46s used to frequently overfly our home I'm certain at no more than 1200 or 1300 feet or so, gear and flaps down enroute to Willow Run. I can still hear the engines.
No worries mate, that happens to all of us from time to time ...

One of the great joys of SOH is that, even when you make what seems to be a dopey mistake or ask an apparently simple question, there are always friends that are there to offer assistance and answers and support. The questions and, yes, criticisms, are always constructive. And, invariably, the problem is solved or the question is answered with dispatch. Is it any wonder why we all love this community, and this Forum, so much. Thanks, guys! :salute:
