C-47 (DC-3) "Bluebonnet Belle"

C-47 (DC-3) "Bluebonnet Belle" 2024-06-08

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falcon409 submitted a new resource:

C-47 (DC-3) "Bluebonnet Belle" - WWII Liveries

View attachment 131051

The real repaint (textures only) for Manfred Jahn's (+ the Team) model of Douglas C-47/DC-3 (Skytrain/Dakota). You need to have this great model of Douglas_C-47_V3 (V3 Beta). Textures tested in P3Dv3. The repaint of C-47B 43-49942 - N47HL, Commemorative Air Force. This C-47 was built in 1944 and was flown to Canada where it was transferred to the UK under the lend-lease program. In Britain it was assigned to the 435th Transport Squadron, a Canadian unit...

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