Have painted the FltDZign Constellation in USAAF colors as used on the prototype. Will release in a day or two.
Have painted the FltDZign Constellation in USAAF colors as used on the prototype. Will release in a day or two.
I've pretty much been hooked on the L049a for the last several days. I've got about 8 hours of flight time and yesterday, I did a run from Frankfurt Germany, to Aviano AB Italy, down to Rome (where we spent the night) and up to London leaving at noon.
I'm pretty sure this is the model that I've been flying:
Lockheed L-1649A Starliner, Version 2.0
This one has a complete functional VC which is very nice, incredible sounds and decent flight dynamics. I also use MATS connie but I'm a VC flyer so MATS dosent have one...That I know of anyways.
I always figured though that they'd be a bit faster. They do have, what, 3250 h.p. in each engine. I figured they'd cruise comfortably at around 300-325 knots. The dont though. About 255 knots is all I'm getting out of mine.
Who makes that model pictured above?
Also, After a recent hard drive failure, I seem to have lost alot of my commands...I cant for the life of me figure out which F-key is the screen shot command. Is there one set up by default?