Camel Altimeter



hi All,
A bit for the roundtoits. The Altimeter in the Camel has a long hand for the thousands and the short hand for the feet. It's bass ackwards.
hi All,
A bit for the roundtoits. The Altimeter in the Camel has a long hand for the thousands and the short hand for the feet. It's bass ackwards.

It has a fat long-hand for the hundreds, a thin long hand for the thousands and a short fat hand for the ten-thousands (not sure on that last one). Seems to be working fine in my cockpit. :)
It has a fat long-hand for the hundreds, a thin long hand for the thousands and a short fat hand for the ten-thousands (not sure on that last one). Seems to be working fine in my cockpit. :)

It does, if you've never seen an altimeter. Mine has longest hand for the thousands (extends past the chapter ring), then next shorter hand for the hundreds. Don't know how thick they are, but usually altimeters are longest hand for the feet (or hundreds if you will) then the next shorter one for the thousands. I realize this is early aviation and some yutz may have made a goofy one for the camel but if not, then I'm letting the devs know so they can address it when they get 'round to it'. It was a bit strange to look down after climbing for a few minutes and think I'm at 9200 feet instead of 2900 feet.
I just use the altimeter outside the aircraft. If I can look up at the trees, I know that I'm too low.
It is insulting when squirrels are throwing nuts down at you isn't it?