Camel train attack mission


happy flying to all
has just been have to follow the map waypoints to the home airfield where i placed the home base on a hill:d:applause:.did i mention your landing uphill in a snowstorm:costumes::jump:.
here is the short readme. i am in attack the trains mode and will have another one completed befor day's end.

camel train Attack

sopwith camels stop the enemy troop train in the mountains
it has been learned that an enemy troop train is heading towards their base camp in the mountenous area near the border. bear in mind it may be hard to find in a snowstorm but in stoping it you will provide a great service to the war effort . with the state the weather is in it should be clear of enemy aircraft. locate the train and return to base. be careful of the mountains in the near zero visibility

ok pod person what did you do with the real pd? :costumes: i'm happy to see you putting up more missions .even thought i haven't had a chance to fly off in two weeks. this one sounds like it's from the dark side, thanks for all of them.:ernae:
missions are here

just go to 'add ons', cfs3, missions and campaigns. all of pd's missions are terrific. there are now over 80 of them. rick
This is bound to be a dumb question..:redf: but most times I do the obvious, I break things.. whats the word? Klutz..
I've downloaded the mission.. and I guess I drag and drop it.. into missions?
E:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\missions and it will appear.. Right.. :173go1:

place all the missions in the 'what if' folder in the 'missions' folder in the OFF directory. they will automatically show up in the game.
Thanks there witchner.. I put it in training to get it to work.. but its now in the what if..
Is there a way of tuning down the flak in these missions.. I can't get to first base ,,
its "into the valley of the shadow of death... " even when I've 'mashed' the train a bit I'm getting shot out of the sky.. :wiggle: too rich for me.. and what the wingmen think they'd doing isnt helping .. however.. I really do like flying about the scenery ...:ernae:
Turn down the flak

Thanks there witchner.. I put it in training to get it to work.. but its now in the what if..
Is there a way of tuning down the flak in these missions.. I can't get to first base ,,
its "into the valley of the shadow of death... " even when I've 'mashed' the train a bit I'm getting shot out of the sky.. :wiggle: too rich for me.. and what the wingmen think they'd doing isnt helping .. however.. I really do like flying about the scenery ...:ernae:
GO into the off manager and turn down the flak setting.
GO into the off manager and turn down the flak setting.
Hey ho PD.. er..
What actually is the off manager??

Whats that? Do I start the game,.. go to workshops and set the ground fire difficulty to easy or.... When I go to quickflight.. theres' a set density of flak..
BUT it dont think that works right.. I set that to low went back to the mission and I immediately got blasted out of the sky.. look back up the valley and its full of 'black balls of smoke' ...

Of course the smart thing to do is blow up the tracks..or send the wingmen into it.. but at the moment I'm doomed...:wavey:

when you first run the game the manager is on the right side and flak can be turned to low and pilot never dies.
i detest makeing up a new pilot every mission :d.

hope you make it.
