Campaign going bad



Hi there,

I like the way Me262 is modelled by AvH, high speed attacks really work well, high yo-yo, verstical scissors etc., enough load-out options, and it has a nice cockpit, so been flying the stock campaign on the german side for a few days.

But it's going really bad...Allies keep pushing the frontline. I complete goals of every mission I fly (if not, campaign is not saved), used to fly mostly CAS/interdiction missions, and frontline seemed to hold. But after reading the "Help" documents, it said always concentrate on production centers, so I flew a few missions on striking factories and railyards. And now my supplies are low, and HQ moved to another location because the Brits have launched a new offensive.

Hi there,

I like the way Me262 is modelled by AvH, high speed attacks really work well, high yo-yo, verstical scissors etc., enough load-out options, and it has a nice cockpit, so been flying the stock campaign on the german side for a few days.

But it's going really bad...Allies keep pushing the frontline. I complete goals of every mission I fly (if not, campaign is not saved), used to fly mostly CAS/interdiction missions, and frontline seemed to hold. But after reading the "Help" documents, it said always concentrate on production centers, so I flew a few missions on striking factories and railyards. And now my supplies are low, and HQ moved to another location because the Brits have launched a new offensive.



Alot of the Gents here dont even play the stock CFS3 anymore, except
for IP-IP multiplay dogfighting. Currently many play ETO,PTO and MAW
versions of CFS3.

However,I'm currently one of few that still dabble with the stock campaign, and still as yet have not ever completed a "win".

What I have discovered though with some of my better advances in the
war, it seems to happen when; 1. I alternate between anti-ship missions and production centers. 2. When I extend my goal beyond the "required"
one. (Hitting extra ship groups,hitting extra targets besides production center or factory. 3. And aircraft kills along with my required goal.

Go heavy on the anti-ship for about 3 weeks while applying the above
mentioned, then before it goes into the next month hit factories. And when
you attack a frontline,hit as much of that whole frontline as possible.

Someone else may have a better one than that, but that always
seems to at least get me in their territory for a good while anyway.
Hope that helps you out, good luck and good gaming! <<S>>

Wyld45/1138th Rough Riders
Mission Effects Parameter

Hi there,

I like the way Me262 is modelled by AvH, high speed attacks really work well, high yo-yo, verstical scissors etc., enough load-out options, and it has a nice cockpit, so been flying the stock campaign on the german side for a few days.

But it's going really bad...Allies keep pushing the frontline. I complete goals of every mission I fly (if not, campaign is not saved), used to fly mostly CAS/interdiction missions, and frontline seemed to hold. But after reading the "Help" documents, it said always concentrate on production centers, so I flew a few missions on striking factories and railyards. And now my supplies are low, and HQ moved to another location because the Brits have launched a new offensive.

Gidday, there are some good guides to campaign play around. i've got a hard copy of the guide from a mosquito addon for cfs3. No idea where i got it from now.

Anyway, it is not too heard to win the standard campaign if you follow the basics. I tend to edit the campaigns demending on the era to place more importance on different mission types.

And that is the key - different campaign missions carry different values. When you select the campaign mission to fly from the drop down menu, take a look at the number of asterisks (***) bside the mission. The highest scoring missions are three stars.

If you read the campaign.xml (notepad is as good as anything to read it in) down the bottom of the file are the values given to each of the twelve missions types. You will find there are a different set of parameters called "offensive effects" which place higher priorities on different missions if you are flying during an offensive.

Combining those two parameters, you can cook up some really interesting campaigns, where you don't have to fly all those balsted anti-ship missions to win (which is what you have to do if you play the stock campaign).

For example, in a BoB era campaign you can make Combat Air Patrol (CAP) the highest value mission so when you play as a British pilot, you always have a CAP mission as the first option, giving *** priority. However, in offensive effects, you can modify the values for strike ammo dumps or some similar offensive mission, to give that the greatest effect on moving the frontline.

Seems to me the beauty of this sim is that anything you don't like, can be changed!:icon_lol: All those knockers who winged about it, never got to grips with its ultimate flexibility :pop4:

By the way, one of the SDKs is a campaign SDK. This is a MS Word document that tells you most of the parameters of the campaign.xml file, and can help you if you want to delve into modifying Mission effects and offensiveeffects parameters.

so you can get more variety in your diet, and still thrash the enemy!

have fun :ernae:
Thanks for the replies guys.

Daiwilletti, do you know where I can find these documents/SDK that explains the campaign mechanisms? I looked at the MS CFS3 download section and can only find single mission related SDKs.

I looked at the mission values you mentioned and here they are:
<ME MissionType="Intercept" M="2" S="1" P="0" Radius="1"/>
<ME MissionType="Escort" M="2" S="0" P="0" Radius="0"/>
<ME MissionType="Cap" M="1" S="0" P="0" Radius="0"/>
<ME MissionType="Sweep" M="1" S="1" P="1" Radius="1"/>
<ME MissionType="StrikeBridges" M="1" S="3" P="2" Radius="3"/>
<ME MissionType="DestroyRailTraffic" M="2" S="3" P="1" Radius="2"/>
<ME MissionType="AntiShip" M="2" S="3" P="3" Radius="2"/>
<ME MissionType="DestroySupplyTrucks" M="2" S="3" P="2" Radius="2"/>
<ME MissionType="StrikeAmmoDepots" M="1" S="3" P="3" Radius="2"/>
<ME MissionType="StrikeRailYards" M="1" S="3" P="2" Radius="2"/>
<ME MissionType="StrikeFactories" M="1" S="3" P="2" Radius="2"/>
<ME MissionType="DestroyTroopColumns" M="3" S="2" P="1" Radius="2"/>
<ME MissionType="DestroyTruckColumns" M="2" S="2" P="1" Radius="1"/>
<ME MissionType="DestroyArmoredColumns" M="2" S="1" P="3" Radius="2"/>
<ME MissionType="StrikeBunkers" M="2" S="0" P="1" Radius="0"/>
<ME MissionType="StrikeDugInTanks" M="2" S="0" P="2" Radius="2"/>
<ME MissionType="StrikeInfantryPos" M="3" S="1" P="1" Radius="2"/>
<ME MissionType="StrikeArtilleryPos" M="3" S="1" P="2" Radius="2"/>
<ME MissionType="CASArmoredVehicles" M="1" S="0" P="3" Radius="0"/>
<ME MissionType="CASTroops" M="3" S="1" P="2" Radius="2"/>
<ME MissionType="Recon" M="1" S="0" P="1" Radius="2"/>
<OE MissionType="Intercept" M="2" S="2" P="2" Radius="1" MissionCount="3"/>
<OE MissionType="Escort" M="2" S="2" P="2" Radius="1" MissionCount="4"/>
<OE MissionType="Cap" M="2" S="2" P="2" Radius="1" MissionCount="4"/>
<OE MissionType="Sweep" M="2" S="2" P="2" Radius="1" MissionCount="4"/>
<OE MissionType="StrikeBridges" M="1" S="1" P="1" Radius="2" MissionCount="5"/>
<OE MissionType="DestroyRailTraffic" M="1" S="1" P="1" Radius="2" MissionCount="4"/>
<OE MissionType="AntiShip" M="1" S="1" P="1" Radius="2" MissionCount="2"/>
<OE MissionType="DestroySupplyTrucks" M="1" S="1" P="1" Radius="2" MissionCount="2"/>
<OE MissionType="StrikeAmmoDepots" M="1" S="1" P="1" Radius="2" MissionCount="2"/>
<OE MissionType="StrikeRailYards" M="1" S="1" P="1" Radius="2" MissionCount="6"/>
<OE MissionType="StrikeFactories" M="1" S="1" P="1" Radius="2" MissionCount="6"/>
<OE MissionType="DestroyTroopColumns" M="1" S="5" P="1" Radius="2" MissionCount="4"/>
<OE MissionType="DestroyTruckColumns" M="1" S="5" P="1" Radius="2" MissionCount="4"/>
<OE MissionType="DestroyArmoredColumns" M="1" S="5" P="1" Radius="2" MissionCount="4"/>
<OE MissionType="StrikeBunkers" M="3" S="5" P="2" Radius="1" MissionCount="4"/>
<OE MissionType="StrikeDugInTanks" M="3" S="5" P="2" Radius="1" MissionCount="4"/>
<OE MissionType="StrikeInfantryPos" M="3" S="5" P="2" Radius="1" MissionCount="2"/>
<OE MissionType="StrikeArtilleryPos" M="3" S="5" P="2" Radius="1" MissionCount="2"/>
<OE MissionType="CASArmoredVehicles" M="2" S="1" P="3" Radius="1" MissionCount="2"/>
<OE MissionType="CASTroops" M="2" S="1" P="3" Radius="1" MissionCount="2"/>
<OE MissionType="Recon" M="1" S="0" P="1" Radius="1" MissionCount="1"/>

What do these values mean, M/S/P/Radius/MissionCount?

I think, without doing something the campaign is unwinnable from the German side. The allies have double the production values of German, so when you launch 1 offensive, you're faced with 2.
there are many, many things that can be setup in campaign, it's really complicated.

it depends on how the campaign is designed but it's possible to make it impossible to win for a player. This is how I've build the West40 campaign in ETO: allied player will lost even if he succeed in all the missions.
missioneffects etc

Sorry, Skwabe I missed this question.

take a look at the top line in the extract you provided from campaign.xml:

<ME MissionType="Intercept" M="2" S="1" P="0" Radius="1"/>

In this each of the 4 parameters are editable - M,S,P, and R. The highest value for each is three.

So if you edit to <ME MissionType="Intercept" M="3" S="3" P="3" Radius="3"/>, that mission will have the absolute BIGGEST impact on campaign outcome that a single mission is capable of. Only if you are successful of course :icon_lol:.

So just choose which missions you prefer to fly (or which yuou consider most historically accurate for the period, if that is your preference) and give them higher points.

By the way, M= "morale", S="supply", P="power". Radius is the number of squares from the mission target that will be influenced by the outcome of the mission

By the way, the Mission Editing SDK is STILL at the microsoft games studio site - just google it.
