Campaign Package for PTO


Charter Member
I've nearly finished my campaign package for PTO. Hopefully it does not step on anybody's toes - it involves a set of spawns to add ships as ground spawns, and ships for campaign play. Unlike stock CFS3, allied ships as ground spawns only appear in friendly oceans, and enemy ships only appear in enemy waters, except some marauding warships.

I order to get the requisite ships to appear, the country.xml has been tweaked, a new campaign is added, and copied vehicles with different nationalities added to provide life for facilities which generate as random nationalities (a CFS3 quirk).

So if anybody objects to these copies being made for different nationalities, and tweaks to vehicles and ship xdps, please let me know.

I have not made any changes to aircraft for the purposes of this package.
Spawning woes

Ye gods, what a shermozzle! Several months back I had some ground spawns appearing, some frontline spawns, and some ship.spawns for campaign missions.

All that's needed is to expand the variety, and Bob's yer uncle, says I.

Yeah, right, as we say in Kiwiland. Somehow I have successively stuffed things so that NONE of my spawn files are working except air spawns, and ship campaign spawns. And the PTO install regularly crashes as I've simplified to spawn sets to try and force some ground spawns to appear. Who would have thought the darn system was so picky/sensitive :banghead:.

The amount of time I've spent, will be quicker to just reinstall and start from scratch ... :dizzy: