Campaign Questions


Charter Member
Hello all,

Okay, I flew quite a few QC sorties and practiced my stuff. So I thought, it's time to campaign! I've flown three missions now, and I have some questions, as I don't think things are working as they should, so I wonder what I am not doing correctly.

First, I'm a bit miffed at my flight. We flew to an enemy airbase today to attack it. On the way, we were jumped by some Halb. DIIs. I was warping with the flight (late at night and didn't have time to fly the 100+ miles each way...not counting all the circling to start with), and as we dropped out of warp, there they were a little low and about 1000 yards off to the right. Well, my wing just flew away and left me. There were six of the enemy! Since the odds were really not to my liking and we were already over enemy lines, I climbed as rapidly as I could. It was touch and go there, but I outclimbed them. They really weren't far behind me at one point (less than 300 yards) but I guess they were climbing at their best and couldn't get a good shot. I eventually outran them and caught up with my flight. But what were they thinking?!!?! That one had me sweating, and it was winter outside with a steady snowfall (which was very cool, by the way!).

This leads to my questions. First, how do you fire the rockets. I finally managed to with the <Enter> key, but that didn't work for the longest time. I kept hitting <backspace> as well. Did I finally cycle through to the rockets? Is there something that tells you which weapon is active?

Second, so far, my experience of attacking places with my flight (railway, airfields) is that they loiter in the area a ridiculously long time, swooping down and then climbing away only to swoop down again. I dutifully follow them, but they don't really do anything. No shots, no other weapons. I'm sure they are gesturing rudely and hurling imprecations, but, really, shouldn't we be trying to do a bit more damage? Is this normal? I've tried to shoot things up, but this seems a waste of bullets for the most part. I tried to shoot some marching soldiers. I'm either a very bad shot or they were invulnerable.

Also, what's with all the swooping in general. When my flight climbs away from a swoop on the target, they go into this funny routine of climbing steeply then diving and then climbing steeply and then diving, like they were trying to fly a roller coaster track in the air. Is this some kind of evasive maneuver for AA fire? Wouldn't it be simpler just to set a reasonable climb speed?

Also, on the flight list, there is someone listed as (Wingman), but in the air, this same person is listed as Flight Lead when I turn on labels. So am I his wingman? I can't figure out who I'm supposed to stick with. There's this "Flight Lead" guy and "Wing 1" and "Wing 2" and me.

Also, what's with the waypoints? The map/mission board keeps telling me my flight has to go to all the waypoints and survive, which we do, but once we reach the target, that waypoint seems to stay operative. Perhaps it's because my bloody flight is probably still swooping on them (or ran out of petrol and had to land there). I get tired after a half hour or so and head back, which I have to fly all the way without warping because it thinks that the next waypoint is the target. Is there no way to get it to advance waypoints?

Finally, if I just run out of time, can I cross the lines and land at the nearest airfield? I ended my mission tonight while in the air (just ran out of time) and it said I landed behind enemy lines. Luckily I escaped after a few weeks, but that wasn't kosher!

So, as you can see, my side isn't inflicting a great deal of punishment on the other team, and I'm feeling as if I'm flying with some none-to-bright recruits. What am I not getting right? Any tips or advice welcome!
I think you can avoid some aggravation by making yourself lead the flight (check box in workshop). That way the flight follows you and you can give orders to attack or regroup.

You can also select and advance waypoints and warp to the end if you wish immediately etc.....just lead the flight.
Next Waypoint = Shift+W (not sure if this works if you are a 'follower')
Select Next Weapon = Backspace (use to select bombs or rockets)
Fire Ordanance = Enter
Next Waypoint = Shift+W (not sure if this works if you are a 'follower')
Select Next Weapon = Backspace (use to select bombs or rockets)
Fire Ordanance = Enter

It does not you have to lead for Shift+W to lead.
Thanks for the tips on rockets and waypoints, guys. But from what I've read in other posts, people do campaigns as new recruits and work their way up the ladder, right? I was hoping to have that touch of realism. Does anyone fly as wingman? If so, do you also experience the swooping and ridiculously long but completely ineffectual attacks, or is this a quirk of my flight group or something else?
Thanks for the tips on rockets and waypoints, guys. But from what I've read in other posts, people do campaigns as new recruits and work their way up the ladder, right? I was hoping to have that touch of realism. Does anyone fly as wingman? If so, do you also experience the swooping and ridiculously long but completely ineffectual attacks, or is this a quirk of my flight group or something else?

I think it's fair to say there are still issues with choosing a non-lead role in the game.

Even if you start at sgt rank you can still encompass being given a flight to lead by imagining a desperate shortage of new pilots and the flight being made up of all new boys, with the lead being given to the one with the best training record (you yourself).

It's not ideal, because it certainly wouldn't have been done like that in reality. But it solves a lot of other issues. :)
Does anyone fly as wingman? If so, do you also experience the swooping and ridiculously long but completely ineffectual attacks, or is this a quirk of my flight group or something else?

If you're not the leader, your experience with your AI squaddies will vary considerably. It depends on the situation (your airplane, your role, airplane match-ups, relative altitudes, numbers, etc.) and the quality of your squadron (elites being way more aggressive than others).

After trying since OFF came out to fly as a ranker with the AI leading, I've decided this really isn't much fun. Either my AI buddies run away when I think we should fight, or run away and leave me alone when a fight starts, or they fight when I want to run away. I have now reached my frustration limit with this so recently switched to "always lead". And to make that as realistic as possible, I give myself a fairly high starting rank to go with it.
Thanks for the tips on rockets and waypoints, guys. But from what I've read in other posts, people do campaigns as new recruits and work their way up the ladder, right? I was hoping to have that touch of realism. Does anyone fly as wingman? If so, do you also experience the swooping and ridiculously long but completely ineffectual attacks, or is this a quirk of my flight group or something else?

I get around it by imagining (and lets face it combat simming is all imagination anyway and fun imagination at that) that I am a flight instructor finally given a higher commision and allowed to go to the front.

I make myself Captain and fly for the yanks leading a flight......
Thanks everyone. It seems that leading is just the way to go. I can deal with that. I've never been accused of being shy and retiring, and what hotshot new pilot wouldn't imagine himself capable of leading a flight right off the bat?! Besides, I was killing my eyes trying to see the leader's hand signals! :icon_lol:

But I do hope that forming up on me gets my flight over the roller coaster syndrome! That's just tedious.