Campange loading issue


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Hi all, Im having an issue loading a campange for the first time. I get this message when I try to load it: No British HQs\squadrons can be properly placed with spacing 2 given the current squadron data and front-line shape.

Does anyone have a clue as to what might be going on? I loaded patch 1 and 1a, and nocd patch.

Thanks for any suggestions.
this error message occurs after i upgrade to 3.1. I saved the original campaign I started before upgrade. that one runs just fine. Does anyone know the file I could edit that relates to this error message? Thanks for considering this issue.

No British HQs\squadrons can be properly placed with spacing 2 given the current squadron data and front-line shape.
This is a very frustrating message when building a campaign! One of the main places to look is within the <campaignparams> section toward the bottom of the campaign file. The squadron data is set out there. Sometimes I have success by increasing the distance that HQs can be from the frontline.
The frontline position in another part of the puzzle. If you create a frontline further from the shore, then the distance settings for HQ positions need to be flexible. Each number used (like HQ MinDistance=3) Is a count of the number of grid squares between the HQ and the frontline. When you open a campaign and get to the target selection map, the map is covered in a grid. Hover the mouse over the map, and each ccell has a unique ID (eg O17).

Worth reading the Campaign SDK, Lots of information, but sadly unfinished. Here in the stickies in the SDK thread.
