Can anyone direct me to LawDogs Typhoon soundset?


Charter Member
As some of you may know Dave Moly is putting the Auster B4 Ambulance together and
as it is one of only two fixed wing aircraft to use the Blackburn Bombardier engine he
needs a Coffman Starter sound to go with the effect.

I understand Lawdog has a Coffman effect on his Typhoon sound set but I am damned if I can find it.



Thats exactly what we need.

Now I just need permission from LawDog to use the Coffman sound

If your interested in odd aeroplanes the B4 lived for five years at Austers Factory and some time
as Boscombe Down - appearing at Farnborough several times as G-AMKL and in RAF markings
unfortunatly the AAC wanted slingwings not fixed - so the air ambulance idea languished.

Using Brian Horsey's wizardry - Dave has produced a really fun and off the wall aircraft to tool around in...The real world Bombardier sounds provided by Martin P recorded from the AOP9 at Eggesford make the whole package and now you gents have provided the missing link.


AND LAWDOG.....Please may we use your Coffman sounds??

I can't remember the last time I have seen Lawdog on the site. He used to be seen in the CFS2 forum, but I haven't seen him for quite a while.

EDIT: Just checked the member list and Lawdog3260 was on the site yesterday. Send him a PM and I am sure he will get back to you soon.
