Can anyone help please


Charter Member
Can anyone explain this please.

Following a recent re-install of FS9 I hve encountered the following anomaly which, in thirteen years if simming and using FS9 since its release, I have not come across before.

In short, if I make any changes to a loaded aircraft, eg, another texture, altering the config to allow for a different effect, or as a specific example opting fot the steerable tailwheel in Mr Shupe’s aircraft, then, on starting the sim, the changes will not show unless I re-name the particular aircraft folder. Creating a second folder, containing the changes and including model, panel and sound folders together with the amended config, also seems to work, for example if Lockheed Lodestar is re-named to Lockheed Lodestar.A, or almost any suffix seems to work. But, if I have to make a further change, that will then necessitate re-naming the folder again!!

So far this has proved to be the the case with most of the default aircraft, in particular the DC3 and Trimotor to which I have added more than a few textures.

Okay, so it works and eventually I can get everything to appear as I want, but over the 12 years I have used FS9 I have never come across the above.

There must be reason and if anyone can shed any light I would be extremely grateful.

I will step out onto a limb and assume that you are using Windows Vista or later and that you installed FS9 to the default C:/Windows/Program Files location. If that is the case it may be Windows' security features that is preventing you from properly editing the cfg files. Try turning off UAC and see if you can successfully edit the cfg file.
Agree with the above, this very much sounds like you have FS in Program Files. If you have, you are really best to uninstall and install it elsewhere on your system.
Just a thought..... maybe drop the UAC setting right down? You do have admin rights on the PC?
I have FS9 (2x versions) & P3D in their default directories, as well as another FS9 in the C:\ directory... No problems at all.
All the suggestions make sense IF your previous install was in a different location than the standard one, and the new location is in the standard location.

It's plain that something about your new re-install is different, and that seems the most likely difference.

If the location is the same, then the problem isn't so simple and you'll have to figure out what else is different.
Not sure by the description what the issue is but this might help. Right click on the cfg and click properties and make sure the bottom two Attributes boxes are unchecked. If Read Only is checked, I've sometimes been asked to save into another location. Can you elaborate on what the error/prompt/window actually is that made you write "..the changes will not show unless I re-name the particular aircraft folder." Pictures help too.
I'm also leaning towards the default location security issue. But I would disagree with changing the UAC settings, since that is one of the things that keeps your 'puter safe from rogue installer files - at least most of them. Uninstalling the Sim, then deleting the hidden "App Data" folder (heck, run a registry cleaner too while you're at it), then do a fresh install in a folder such as C:\Added Programs. I use that same folder for other things like my Gimp install and Notepad++ so that I can have full control over them when I want to make changes.
Many thanks for your input. FYI I am using 8.1 and all the clues seem to point to us a issues.
I am taking Toms suggestion of installing to a new folder on c drive, on my laptop for now (also on 8.1) and we shall see what happens. Again my thanks.
Installing sims, games, and most other programs to their own folders or drives and avoiding the Windows/Program Files folder is the best solution when using Windows Vista or later operating systems.