Can I just get something off my chest?


Flight Sim Junkie
I'm feeling like M$ should have paid me to test their product. There are just so many things just not working from autopilots in aircraft to no toolbars in VR and the EFB being unclickable in VR. I could go on and on with the bugs. It seems like the product when finally working will be great, but I would have rather waited and got a useable product then what was dished out. I don't know who pressured them to release but they were just plain wrong and not in touch. I liked the new flight planner but even that is mucked up. I spent hours creating a flight plan to use in the sim but when I got in the sim only the originally saved flight plan without the tons of edits I made was available, so basically useless (yes, I saved it after the edits). I know I can go back to fs2020 (thank goodness I didn't delete it) but I am trying to learn all the new (and very different) fs2024 key bindings. I know there is an option to use the fs2020 key bindings but bet that option won't be there forever.

It just ticks me off that anyone would release a product in this shape, I would have rather waited a month or two. Tell us who made you release this Asobo and we'll let them know how we feel.


Just thought of something else. I hope all these things are not working as a way to improve the performance!
One reason I never moved to FS2020 was because I didn't want to buy a product to become a beta tester for MS, I always said I would wait until all the bugs were out before I bought it. I'm still waiting!

I recently bought P3D v4.5 because I was tired of all the OOM errors that FSX:SE had started throwing and I have never been happier with a flight sim! It works the way it should, with great graphics and FPS levels in the high 70s+. I will not be changing any time soon!
I did transition from P3D for 2020 when it was released. For a while I ran both together so I could continue to fly my favourite aircraft ahead f their introduction into the new sim. Both games ran well on my rig so I was lucky I guess. I have to say that the difference in quality of the 2020 aircraft over those in P3D was transformational. The release of the Flying Iron Spitfire Mk IV was a game changer for me and from then on I deleted P3D. Good to hear that the latest version of P3D is performing so well. The ability to tweak things easily in the P3D file format and to create AI traffic and scenery was so easy. I miss all that.
And who keeps reverting the location of my community folder back to the C drive?

And who keeps reverting the location of my community folder back to the C drive?

See my thread here for my thoughts on that issue.

Thanks Dave, I moved the rolling cache once and just did it again. We'll see if it holds this time. And just as an FYI to people who may get sucked into a trap like I did. The community folder is working just fine on a separate drive even though it may not appear so in the marketplace. Maybe that thing needs to be activated before it shows the community folder as active.

That is something I didn't think about. It is actually working it just shows the wrong location for some reason. Very possible that is the issue.

I half expected MS / Asobo to push the launch date due to the complexity of this sim. But here is some good news. I ordered the Deluxe game and got all of the Premium Deluxe aircraft in my hanger and they work. Bonus I guess. Anyone else have this?