Can Someone Paint Mr Shupe's AT-11 Like Black Hawk's AT-11 In The 1950 Serial?

casey jones

Charter Member
Can Someone Paint Mr Shupe's AT-11 Like Black Hawk's AT-11 In The 1950 Serial?

When I was a kid I would go and see the Black Hawk Serial at my local theater on Saturday for 15 cents. I remmenber looking at the AT-11 but I do not remmenber the paint schme.



At one time, Aeroplane Heaven had some Blackhawk skins for their F3F biplane and their XF5F Skyrocket for FS 8 and CFS 2.

Here is a screen shot of the F3F in Blackhawk colors. Perhaps that will help.

1. Blackhawk
2. Lady Blackhawk