Can you copy and paste textures??


Charter Member
Let me state outright that i do not know Photoshop/GIMP or anyother program like it. I know how to use Paint (ha ha) and FSRepaint.

I am trying to copy the image of a cessna from online and cut and paste fuselage, wing and interior textures on a FSDS cessna that i am building.

I want to find out if this can be done using FS Repaint. I could make some blank textures for the fuselage and wings and then superimpose the a paintjob from the photo.

How can one do this in FSRepaint?

It can be done in FSRepaint, I've done it. Just make sure what you want to copy & paste is part of the texture set for the model you are working on. That function works best in a program such a Paint Shop or Photoshop though.

Thanks, NCGent.

Let me run this by you quickly.
okay I got a Cessna 207 model with blank textures.
I google Cessna 207 and get some nice photos and save them as Jpeg or perhaps BMP.

What to I ned to do to cut out the fuselage coclr of from the picture and paste it onto the fuselage texture for my model 207 using FS Repaint?

What you are referring to I suspect is a technique that was developed around here called photoreal texturing. Where you take a photo, scale it to match the bmp of your fuselage and wings and paste it as a layer in Paintshop, or Photoshop. Yes it is possible to do. A few things must be in place in order to work, mostly that the photo must be taken straight on. Not angled in anyway. There are some fine examples for Wozza's Mustang Version 2 but I don't believe they are still available as the artist took his work off line. He was so good, it is disappointing. If you have the texture packs he released, you are very lucky. Here is an example.
Cessna 207

Yes this is a full FSDS model.
I have built the external model and the vc model but before I put the pedals, lever,s gauges, and yoke, I want to paint her.

This is not going to be Carenado quality, but to me the exterior and interior model looks accurate.

Also, the windows are a bit boxy around the edges...but that's what i can do b myself.

I will be happy to collaborate with someone on giving my bird a good paintjob. Also, please remember that this is strictly freeware for FSX and FS9.