Cannon fx


Charter Member 2011
phantomx1 uploaded a cannon effect for the A-10 here at SOH, based on stuff Ickie did.

Great fun to Blow Stuff Up every now and then, I was wondering if one can modify the effect:
- to get the smoke on the ground a little more quickly, and
- not be quite as big
Wing Z do you have that payware pack with the model "Canberra B16" and it's fx_matrapod effect in your FS9\Effects folder on your FS9?

That makes a very good, very fun firepower to alias to any of the A-10 Warthogs.

If you have that effect all you have to do is in the smokesystem section of the A-10's aircraft cfg file, back out warthog_cannon and then type in fx_matrapod.

A very power filled effect that is somewhat believeable to use for the A-10 warthog. At any rate just remember that is an effect that came with the payware Canberra. But if you bought the Canberra and have the effect on your FS9 you can alias to it if it's on your FS9.
I did buy the Canberra, and I do have that effect!
I'll give that a go, I recall blowing up many things with that jet.
Good idea, thanks phantom, I'll reserve the other effect for B-52 carpet bombing perhaps ;)
Winz I would like to attach a zip file of a new WAV file I had found that sounds much better and louder and more realistic for you to use but I don't know how to attach it to this thread.
I have seen others here place a zip in a thread but I have no idea how to do that. If you or someone else could point out how to do it I will give it a try.
There's a "Go Advanced" button when you reply to a thread.
Clicking there allows you to "manage attachments".
Sorry Wing, I can't figure out how to upload that zip, and besides that, in my notes I wrote where I saved this WAV file I also note that I got this WAV file from a downloaded plane found on Flightsim, so anyway I suppose it best I do not upload the WAV file even though I couldn't find a readme for the plane.

But I will tell you where you can locate, download the plane and copy the WAV file to use. Once you retrieve it and copy it some where you will have to rename it to warthog_cannon after renaming the original warthog_cannon WAV file that should be in your FS9\Sound folder.
I know it is a little work, but it is really an impressive replica sound of the Gau 8 A-10 cannon and it is loud.
If you want to try it:
1. Search for, FS2004 Vampire Series, or file search, 3ships(dot)zip ,on Flightsim search page, and download it.
2. Unzip the plane to a nominal folder location, or you may even be able to copy just the WAV file out of the zip.
The WAV file you want is the xshutdown WAV file. (Once you locate it you should be able to click on it to listen to it)
3. You want to copy this single WAV sound file named xshutdown and place it somewhere and then re-name it to warthog_cannon and then place it into your FS9\Sound folder. If you want to keep that original warthog_cannon sound just rename it before you put the new sound in the FS9\Sound folder.
It is interesting this WAV file was used as shutdown WAV file on that plane, it doesn't sound anything like a shutdown sound, but it is a very close match for the A-10's Gau 8 cannon. And I have searched long and wide looking for a good match for that specific peculiar sound, looking through lots of freeware download sounds of groans, fog horns, door creeks, and table and chair sounds dragged across the floor. Incidently the original one I used was a door creeking sound.

Hope you try it out and enjoy it.
Amazing, would've thunk?
You must have spent a fair bit of time trawling for that one...
The sound is great! and thanks for that.
I am having issues with the visual effects but that may be a problem with a new video driver.
Glad to see you could implement those two changes Wing.

On the visual for the matrapod effect when I firing it, on my computer, at times I see what looks like orange smoke puffs that rise straight up skywards as if they were some kind of spirits heading back to heaven. And sometimes while in spot or flyby mode it will appear that the firing of the cannon is not shooting straight. However, I figure that is coming from either the way the effect is written up, or, may be simply the way the FS9 game handles effects. I have seen something similar to those two annomalies on other effects such as when adding parachutes. When I deploy parachutes I see the chutes deployed as they should but there will also be second copies of chutes that will rise up heading skywards.

I don't know if that's what you are seeing in reference to your thinking that it may be your video card, and it may could be that is what causes that, I don't know. Maybe could be the effect write up, could be the way FS9 processes, could be the video card, may could be the computer the Windows platform. My computer uses the Windows 7 Vista, but seems like I remember seeing the same annomilies on my older computer which used Windows Me. Out of the four I would guess it would be simply the way FS9 processes handles and then presents an effect.

By the way Wing I suppose you know that you can easily add that same effect to any plane you desire simply by writing those same smokesystem lines into the Aircraft cfg you choose to have it in, although it will be firing from the centerline of the fuselage. Of coarse you can change that by experimenting with the coordinace numbers.