Canopy Glass in P3D


Charter Member
Anyone had any success reworking the canopy glass (either white or frosty looking) for The Section 8 F-86 or Flight Replicas Bf109G's? On the latter I can't even find where the canopy glass is...thanks in advance.
Search for the following file 'sf8f-86fsxup', I think it might even be on the Section 8 F-86 web page.
As for Flight Replicas Bf109, the FSX version of the Bf109K worked without any problems in P3D but the Bf109G was a non-starter.

All the SectionF8 files are available from here.
The exception is the beta for the "6-3"-winged unslatted 'hardwing' variant - which is available for a PM.

Thanks all, I have downloaded the files for the s8f86, these look like the same files I used to fly it in FSX with. I'll try to find the right files, but this is what my F-86EF looks like in Prepar3D 3.3,


Here's what the Bf109G looks like,


Seems to be a very similar problem. If someone knows how to correct the canopy glass I have the tools, I just need the steps to do it.


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