Canopy mods to make clearer?

If the transparency is controlled by a texture, then it's just a matter of darkening the alpha layer of that part of the texture file. If it's controlled by the model, then you'll need something like MDLMat from Martin Wright.
The canopy is for Wozza's Komet and I am clueless when it comes to modeling and textures. A texture seems to change the canopy from blue to clear and the model part does the rest so I need to know which code in MDLMat and which texture corresponds to the canopy. Cheers
If you have a link to the plane, I will take a look at it. It's hard to say which file and materials need tweaked to get the job is different from one plane to the next.


EDIT: Found the plane on

Main download for Wozza's Komet:

A repaint by Steve Kerry:

Looking at the screen shots, the canopy in the original package looks okay, but the canopy on the repaint seems dark. Will get the plane and repaint installed and take a look.
I have a payware plane I'd like to purchase but when advertised the windows had a cool tint to them but when purchased its clear...way too clear. I'd like to purchase this plane but not without knowing or having some help with fixing the tint. would anyone be willing to help me wityh this?