Can't Find Latest Uploads List !!!


What happened to the list of latest uploads?

Before today I would start at the SOH home age and click on AddOns Index under the Warbirds heading, and that wold bring up a Warbirds Library page. A little ways down that page, under the Statistics heading, is a paragraph called Newest Entries, and in that paragraph was a link to View the latest entries. Clicking on it would bring up a page of all the latest uploads in reverse temporal order, newest on top.

Today that link is gone.

On the previous page, on the left side is a menu of Latest Uploads but it's pretty much worthless because of the lack of images, minimal descriptions and the very limited length of the list.

Finding anything but the latest files in the library has always been harder than it should be, but at least it was easy to find the new stuff. This latest issue makes the new stuff very difficult to identify, and all but the very latest newest stuff inaccessible. It renders the SOH library pretty much worthless.

Can this be fixed?
Yeah but what about the rest of it - the part I posted about - the link that lets you see the list?

Maybe you didn't read my post completely???

I click on Add-ons Index and get the next page, which contains a paragraph of Newest entries, and that paragraph consists of a VERY abbreviated list of file names (which mmay or may not iffer a clue as to the nature of the file.) Where it used to end with a View link, the View link remains conspicuous by its absence, and there is NO way to view the list.

It doesn't matter whether I use Intenet Exploder or Firefox, either way the View link is missing and there's no way to access the list.
Mick, try cleaning out your browser cache and then try again, cause it's working just fine for me, I still get the big long list in What's New...
I never use the Home page, so today is the first time I've looked at that list...

There's no "View" button, but on IE8, each filename is a clickable link that goes straight to the file's page.
Thanks guys, but no joy.

Joe, clearing my cache and signing in again made no difference; the view link is still absent.

Tom, it's not a button, it's the word "View" at the end of the Very Abbreviated list that appears - or should appear - at the very end of the Newest Entries paragraph. The work is (or was) a link that brought up the New Entries list with the real name (i.e., the Title, not the file name) of the item, the image and the full description.

I can get to the list you referred to, but it's pretty much worthless because it's far from complete, containing only the very few, very latest uploads, and they're listed Only by file names, which often don't provide even a clue as to the nature of the item.

This is extremely frustrating!
Would someone please bring up the full list, the one with the images, titles and descriptions, and post the link to it as copied from your browser's address window?
It's entirely possible that there's been a change to the site's software and the link you're asking for may be no longer available. I'll pass this along to the senior admins.
Thanks Milton!

That's the page I couldn't access.

Tom, what's weird is that I seem to be the only on who can't access that page from the Warbirds Library page.

At the end of the Newest Uploads paragraph is a link to View All, and I seem to be the only one who no longer sees that link - and it doesn't matter which browser I use, whether I clear my cache or cookies, or what.

Thanks again Milton!!!
Well, I guess I'm relieved that it wasn't just me! That was getting sorta spooky.

I never would've looked under that Warbirds Library menu tab because on my screen that menu tab is hidden behind the message search window. I guess that's a screen resolution issue...

Anyway, now I can access that tab, since I know where it is and a tiny little corner of it peeks out from behind the search window.

It's easier, though, to have the direct link, so thanks again for that!