Can't find the answer to this one


I'm sure I read about game crashes connected with switching aircraft but can't find it. When certain aircraft are loaded to begin the game they work fine, but when I go to select another aircraft or even another flight the game crashes. It's as if discarding the current plane causes the crash. 99.9% of other aircraft have no such effect. Does anybody remember what causes this to happen?
I only know that certain FSD aircraft should not be the one in your saved flight because their gauge and configuration editors have problems getting in gear unless they are loaded after another aircraft has already been loaded.

Maybe if you let us know which one is giving you trouble the other way around that will trigger a memory somewhere.

When they never gave trouble before, now Conrad's T-28 and Robert Christopher's Legacy2000. I tried having FS create a new game cfg, and when I switched aircraft to the Legacy it loaded but then the game crashed when I ended it.
Not sure why those particular aircraft would cause you problems, I've loaded Tim's T-28 many times without a problem.

Whenever I've had a problem like that it has always been gauge related.

Most recently I had a problem like that with the MAAM TBM, specifically the -3 model. Turned out there was one gauge which was causing the sim to crash whenever I tried to select another aircraft or exit the sim after loading it.

Once I found the offending gauge and deactivated it the problem went away.
Bottom Line

The bottom line is that if you DON'T choose to start the sim with the C-182S you are asking for trouble. Or rather, if you DO choose to start the sim with the C-182S as your 'default' flight, then you will live long a prosper. Certain 'parameters' get set up when the sim starts WITH the C-182s, and since all other aircraft are based on this one, then you are 'clear' to bend the sim a little with other models. Simple as that. Fight it and be doomed? Well, it seems like it, don't you think?

And, since it MAY be ALSO related to your Operating System (specs) then why not avoid all that stress by conforming? Your call. Me, I never have a problem and choose C-182s as my default (and C-172 in FSX). No use fighting it. No one is going to revamp the Sim Engine either. You might try putting sim in 'windowed' mode and then go do 'Select Aircraft', and it might 'help'. But no guarentees if it's a gauge making the Sim blink (and is hard to trace). Am I 'preaching'? No. Just stating what seems to be the 'FACTS' (as found in many, many forums). I avoid stress at all costs. Pride goes before a fall, like they say. Cheers.
Chuck B
I have been using a single "Last Flight" save file for about 2 years now with FS9. What ever I have been flying last is the aircraft saved with the flight. The only exception are the afore mentioned FSD airplanes.
If those were my last ride I switch to a known no-problem aircraft before saving the flight. I have not had any issues at all.

Some aircraft, and it is usually specified in the readme, will need you to load the default C-182...but it does not have to be the first thing that loads.
The rest of the airplanes are not based on the Cessna....the Cessna simply is simple enough not to load any crazy configs and gauges and if you like cold and dark is the way to go.

But your problem doesn't happen on the start it happens on AC switch...that definitely points to a gauge or dll that is loaded by that aircraft.
It may have worked before using an older version of that same dll, but you may have inadvertently changed that with another ac install....

The only way to solve this is likely a rather slow and painful one.
I would start by swapping the panel or sound folder of one of the offending airplanes with one from a default aircraft the C-182 for the T-28 for example.

If it works ok then you know it is from one or the other and can continue the process of elimination.

For example if it works with the transplanted panel I would then go back to the original panel. Break down the gauges in small groups and remove them one at a time. Once you know the group that causes the problem you can remove individual gauges from that group until you have the culprit isolated.

Best of Luck
Not So Bottom Line

I had the FSD Cessna 337 at my home airport set up as the default flight for a long while and never had a problem with it. Right now it's Milton's Beech 18 that I'm using for a default aircraft. Haven't used the default Cessna as a default flight since I first installed FS9 when it came out.
My default startup aircraft isn't even a plane, lol. I start up with the Nemeth Bros. freeware MD500 helicopter. Been that way for over 2 years, with nary a problem.
My current default flight is set up with Just Flight's PA-38 Tomahawk (great little ship BTW) based out of Picton, Ontario (have to pretend it's a Canadian registered bird since there are no Canadian paint schemes out there) though I often switch over to my Ercoupe "Cloudhopper". Neither has given me any problems as the default. Where I do have problems on occasion is with specific aircraft or airports after switching from my default, most notably - and sadly - the terrific Hawker Sea Fury by David Hanvey and Paul Barry, trying to fly out of Kingston, Ontario or out of Flight Ontario's great John C. Munro Hamilton International/CWH/Mt. Hope scenery. Sometimes my system will get finicky with one, the other, or both and be non-starters or will crash on me on final or just after touchdown (especially frustrating if you've just shot a really nice approach).

Though I need to do a bit more diagnosing this is what I know so far. I allowed the fs9.cfg to rebuild with the default Cessna et al. The problem persisted and after switching to the T28, it loaded but when switching ac again or closing the game with the T28 loaded the game crashed. I also suspected a gauge so I reinstalled a fresh copy of the T28 with the same results.

What's next is I've got an older set of gauges I'm going to plop in and see what happens. I never overwrite gauges thinking things work well as is so why risk someones glitch. Then I'm going to make the default flight the starting flight as some have suggested. I do remember certain saved flights as being associated with trouble-free flying, at least this kind of trouble. Then goes another panel, and sounds but I tried other panels already. Are these "parameters' Chuck mentioned visible like in the fs9.cfg?
I've encountered this problem twice. The first was with the Plane Design Spitfire and the other with the MAAM TBM. In both instances it was related to gauges. With the Spit it was the bomb release gauge which I just disabled from the The MAAM TBM was a more global issue releated to one or more gauges in the cab file. After some research and communicaitons with MAAM we found some memory conflicts with the gauges which was fixed with an update.

The only other thing I recall was insuring that my FSUIPC version was current. Sometmes there is an issue with a newer gauge having heartburn with an older version of a module dll file such as with FSUIPC.

You said: 'Are these "parameters' Chuck mentioned visible like in the fs9.cfg?'. I guess if they were 'evident' or visible we would be asking 'them' to change them?

What I meant, I guess, is that if you can load the C-182S, and the panel works, then there is nothing wrong with your OS (Direct X, video drivers, etc) and your fs9.cfg is 'ok'. That's 99.9% of the whole burrito.

But, like I also said, all bets are off if you have a bad gauge (or corrupt dll's, including FSUIPC's?). Some installs change things (wrong but true). Nasty business. Goes with the territory. What can you do. Grin and bear it. Or do what I do. Back up (the 'good' stuff), format, and re-install FS9. Even seems like everything works even better than before, for some reason. Hidden 'parameters' ? (hehe).
Chuck B