Cap'n Sim MiG-21UM


Any of you folks still flying the Captain Sim MiG-21UM? I have been doing some research and I'm finding that the real MiG-21 was a quick and fairly nimble jet. I was wondering if there were any FDE mods as well as replacement afterburner effects that anyone was using on this ol' gal. She still looks good in FS9 after all these years. The polished and satin versions are still eye-poppers and the 2D panel is very immersive.

replacement afterburner effects
I remeber from the past I try to improve (or modify if you like:) ) those effects
Unfortunately .. me think (AFAIK by experience) that the after burner effects are part of the model :(
Maybe i'm wrong .. but I never found a solution for those .....
I have an afterburner replacement that works pretty well. The chap that did the effects had a way to make the "modeled-in" afterburner effect disappear with an alpha channel, replacing it with a nice flame effect. It also came with a modified FDE which gave the MiG-21 a lot more realistic flight characteristics. Only problem I encountered is that the modified aircraft.cfg and or the air file knocked out the hydraulics, and the afterburner nozzle temp gauges. The lights on the annunciator panel for "Low Hydraulics" won't go out. Drives me bloody nuts!! :dizzy:If you're interested in the mod, let me know via PM.

Still a favorite of mine, first payware i ever bought, there is a replacement Afterburner effect at Avsimrus, but im having trouble finding it, hopfully someone else will help with a link,
cheers ian