Capt. Weaver's aircraft...

For the life of me can't figure how you guys make these so nice....

Please explain to me the red smear behind the cockpit..What does that represent? Is it a fluid fill hole?
Is there any way at all to get the repaints without this stain? I absolutely love your work but to be honest have held off on most because of this stain. It may be a nit pick, and maybe I'm a bit odd...:isadizzy:
Is there any way at all to get the repaints without this stain? I absolutely love your work but to be honest have held off on most because of this stain. It may be a nit pick, and maybe I'm a bit odd...:isadizzy:

Just this stain, or all of them?
I try to paint my aircraft with some wear and tear, and that includes stains of all sorts. Nearly all pics I have of WWII aircraft show rather dirty aircraft, sometimes far dirtier or worn than I ever do them.
The only stainless a/c I've done are the modern-day warbirds, like VH-BOB, Warhorse, Excalibur, or Jumpin' Jacques, and the racers, you could always fly those?
As I sadi your paints are awesome. Its just the fuel stain that kinda catches my eye as being on the heavy side. If these could be either deleted or lightened to almost nothing it would be great. :ernae:
Beautiful work Jan... stain and all. Just a thought, you may want to consider putting a little "stain" on those drop tanks too. I think it adds realism to the visual model. JMFO....

More stains...less stains.....aaaaaargh

OK consider this, then. Since the majority of comments in this thread refer to a "lesser" if not "stain-less" skin... then go with the flow.

I was merely stating that I felt the stain added a bit of realism. Considering that I have nearly ALL, if not all of your superb repaints, as well as a majority of WWII Fighters P-51D drivers here at the SOH, that there may be an audience for both stained and stain-less skins. I'll take it no matter what.:amen:

How's this then?
It does feel a bit naked though...
In the end, I'll paint them the way I like them, which may or may not include stains...or unless they are particular requests.
...In the end, I'll paint them the way I like them, which may or may not include stains...or unless they are particular requests.

I ain't mad at ya your thing bro, stains and all, i'm grateful for everything you do. I can grab my own paint brush and clean 'em up myself if i think it's too much. :wave:

Keep 'em comin....
Jankees, I've got all your paints, love 'em all. I'll take Capt. Weaver's, too, when done, stains and all. :ernae:
..was adorned with this beautiful nose art depicting...
well, you know what I mean...

Yep... I know what you mean Jankees... I didn't even see the leaky fuel cap spill! Me eyes was pealed somewheres else! Awesome repaint! It's like building a plastic model... weathering makes the whole picture come alive! Just one question... what or who's plane is it for - I only have the Shockwave fighter collection 'stangs?

cheers! :ernae:
Absolutely stunning as is:applause:
My 2 cents worth, I agree wth Jan Kees, if its depicting an actual historical WWII scheme/aircraft from that period of war, then it should be true to life, and that includes operational wear and tear - "despite constant attention by the groundcrew, were always streaked with oil and grime from operatonal flying at high altitude" - the underbelly of a P-51 was notoriously streaked with oil, coolant and dirt.

If its a polished depiction of someones present day warbird or museum piece and kept immaculate for all to enjoy for years to come, then thats fine also.:wave:
with a bit of luck, I can upload over the weekend, stains and all. The 2nd FS (see FSX thread) will be (almost) stainless, OK?
patience is a virtue they tell me (but don't believe everything they tell you..)