Capt.Winters, Nidicki, might need a few more


Charter Member
Been building a set in MAW for the recently released Bf 109f models from the Masters.
Including several for Nigel's beautiful Bf 109s in MAW.
Been having somewhat of a problem with them Breaking !!
:isadizzy: :sheep: :isadizzy:
is there anywhere that puts somewhat broken Bf 109's back together?
Sure will need them soon..

Thanks to the Masters for the birds..
:applause: :applause: :applause:
(Owen, none of the 109s in MAW are mine - the originals are either by John or Alessandro Biaggi. The only Mediterranean 109s I've done are the G and K series based on the stock ones, and they are available as addons only. Not to be distributed with any package deals!)
Hi Nigel,
I am using several of your Bf 109g's uploaded here to SOH in a set for Maw along with the uploaded Bf 109f's from Capt.Winters and friends..
that is is any survive my building of the missions..:icon_lol:
Oh yea!!
Links in the read me will guide those for this set ot where they are for download here..
Yea these things all wreck the same..
Nigel's Bf 109g and Capt. Winters Bf 109f uploads
All just fly apart??
:ques: :icon_eek: :ques:

Eastern front in MAW
Nasty Russians, they cheat!!
They like to Ram Hobbits!!