Captain Sim 24 hour sale -TOMORROW


Charter Member
Got the following email from Captain Sim;

[FONT=&quot]From: "Captain Sim News" <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 5:52 am
Subject: 24hrs only - almost everything is 9.99

We are pleased to announce that exclusively at Captain Sim online store, from 15:00 23DEC2010 to 14:59 24DEC2010(UTC) everything except two titles is Euro 9.99! Visit us at: Important:
24 hours only. At 14:59:59 24DEC2010(UTC) all prices are back to regular. All sales made during the sale event are equal to regular sales. If traffic exceeds our expectations some of our servers slowdown/outage is possible during the sale event.

Stay tuned,
Captain Sim News

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Check that - Thursday
I am tempted to grab the C-130 Float Plane! Tempted...but not all that much. I would love to have a floating Herc, but don't know if I would fly it enough to justify spending real dollars on a cartoon plane...real dollars that would be better used for real things like gas and food.

The sale is now underway:jump: I'd really like to get the C-130 -- finally but don't know if the fs2004 version runs on Windows 7 Ultimate/64. They are pretty clear on their buyer beware position. I tried to email them but seems ya can't talk to them until AFTER you buy something.

Soooooooo, dear fellow SOH'ers, is anyone currently running this awesome C-130 on Windows 7 Ultimate/64?

edit: Seems their sale idea is working too good. Theri site is temporarily down LOL
I'd love to have that FS9 727, but like Obio, it'll have to wait.
Fantastic choice. I have that and the 707. Didn't really care for the C-130 although it has a good sound file that I use for other C-130s in my fleet.