Captain Sim C-130


Charter Member
I just bought the C-130 Pro base pack, plus the expansion pack, and AC-130 pack for this bird. I've had a few minor issues - almost all easily corrected - with their F-104 and MiG-21, so had no great trepidation about d/l-ing and installing. Both went smoothly. The aircraft is an excellent product, as are the add-on packs. I have just one question. This doesn't happen every time I run it, but now and then I'll get a msg at the end of the flight saying FS is low on memory, and will now close. I can close out of the flight, and even log out of FS9 but then get this msg and the flight time is not recorded. Is this thing a memory hog?
Yeah the CS C-130 can be a bit hard on resources... I have never experienced this before and I have the CS C-130 Pro Pack. It has all of the Herky variants. but then again... I'm running 8GB of RAM. What are your system specs?

AMD Phenom II X4 940 Processor
3.01 GHz
3.25GB RAM
AMD Radeon 6850 card

Doing a disk cleanup on the drive the sim is on, so far have cleared up 11GB of space, 1.52TB space left on the drive.

More RAM in order?

Fixing to pick up the KC-130 pack next, wanted to find problems before they occur . . .
In so long as you have enough space on the HD for the "swap file", FS9 should run like a scalded dog on your system. And it sounds like you have plenty... The OS can hog up memory... depending on which one you're running. If it were me, I'd bump the memory up to 8GB. Unfortunately, FS9 only runs on one processor.... so having an "X4" processer is all for not as far as FS.

Reckon I'll be bumping the memory up a little then. Normally I have no problems of any kind running FS9 on this machine. This could be a fluke, too, as I noted with the AC-130 you can choose which station you can occupy in the virtual cockpit view. It hung up before - that is, I selected the weapons control station and the selection didn't take. I've noted this happens with Captain Sim stuff the first time it's run. After that, the add-on will seem to have settled down and will act normally.

One funny thing that happens is that when selecting the engine bleed air valves on the electrical panel for the C-130, I can click on the switch that opens the valve, and the switch will not move to the "open" or "closed" position until I go to an exterior view of the aircraft, then back to that panel - where I will find the switch precisely where I want it to be. Odd. That will occur with some other switches on the panels as well. It's a very minor thing, and is more than balanced out by the overall excellence of the add-on. Very well done.
I'm not an expert in FS9 but I can speak from my FSX experience.

It is more probable that you are maxing out the VAS internal memory within FS. By the end of your flight you have most likely used up all of the available space inside FS to place scenery, aircraft, weather data, textures etc. This would be very typical with a high demand aircraft like the CS C-130 or Boeing 777 in a memory intensive environment for a long flight.

I'll use an FSX example here. if you were to overfly 10 ORBX pay ware airports on a trip, each would load into the FS memory and theoretically you could fill your memory cache prior to completing your flight. I use ORBX as an example because each add on airport can typically be fairly large, in the neighborhood of 1GB.

I have a habit of turning off everything I am not using in any given flight. I can function in a memory intensive aircraft, over a high demand terrain with all the candy running and not get the dreaded OOM.

This link should help you, it explains the whole memory scenario in detail. Hope it helps.
I remember having my sim give me a similar error (FS9), but it would stop briefly... reload the next set of scenery textures and then within a wink, I'd be back in the cockpit. This happened with the first CS C-130 stand alone that I had. (just the C-130, not the rest of the models). I added an additional 4GB of memory and purchased the CS C-130 Pro Pack. Now I can fly any one of those Hercs in any scenery environment on my slower machine and it never even blinks. FS9 may be a little more dependent on RAM Memory versus Internal Sim Memory, but I don't fly FSX that much so I am not an authority. What the GMAN is saying does make sense tho.

BB, mine did the exact same thing - a stop, followed by a quick scroll "loading scenery files," and we'd be back in the cockpit buzzing right along.
I'd try adding some additional RAM. It does make a difference in load times and smoother sim performance on integrated video systems. A relatively inexpensive upgrade... that works. Just my 2 bits.

I've read up on this situation as it relates to FSX; the problem is, from my review of my FS9 cfg file, there isn't an LOD radius setting I can change so that seems peculiar to FSX. On my computer my FS9 setup is on a separate drive from the OS. The FS drive is 1.81TB in size and only 264GB of that has been used by everything on that drive. Is there a way to increase the size of the area FS9 uses for running itself, without adding memory to the machine?
Just got these last week and haven't had to many issues. Really, the only ones have been with the expansion pack stretched Herks. They don't work through the ACE program and while they run and fly, I can't get the external tanks to show on any of them. Also, the J -30 model won't load the glass engine displays and the old gauges don't work well with the J model . The CS forum had statements from CS saying they didn't support FS9 anymore and everyone was on their own. Apparently the ACE utility doesn't recognize the stretch models at all.

Has anyone figured out how to make the tanks show?

I tried renaming the model folders and setting this up as a total stand alone(all the panel files in the folders, renamed the air file redid the aircraft config file, etc.). When I load in the sim, it has no props or landing gear but the drop tanks showed! Evidently, the ACE utility makes changes that affect the model and how it's displayed.



All I can give you is sympathy. Have been thro' this saga a number of times. Resigned myself to not having external wing tanks on my add-on Herks and running them as stand-alone aircraft entities.

Capt Sim does not appear to be the slightest bit interested in FS9 users any more and has clearly cut us adrift.

Wish I could work out exactly how these models are set-up, either with ACE or without. Never really liked ACE as it removed my freedom to tinker!

Keep on trucking.

Anything you do to change or alter the aircraft.config on the CS C-130's... any of them, will cause the props and the landing gear to disappear. I found out the hard way. Use the ACE only to add repaints.... manually changing or adding fltsim.X configs and the paints wont show. If it is any consolation, the 130 files will un-install cleanly using the un-installer, then re-installation almost always cures any problems.

Added the KC model two days ago, works like a charm.

I can convert the FSX textures to FS9 specs, then borrow info from the orig config file and change a few things here and there for the new textures' entries. They show in the ACE and I can change the panels, tanks etc on all of them. Only thing I have trouble with is the flags.

BTW McPhat studios site shows its freeware library is off line at the present. I tried to download the US Customs NC-130H through McPhat but to no avail. I'm having to check periodically until it comes back on line.

All I can give you is sympathy. Have been thro' this saga a number of times. Resigned myself to not having external wing tanks on my add-on Herks and running them as stand-alone aircraft entities.

Capt Sim does not appear to be the slightest bit interested in FS9 users any more and has clearly cut us adrift.

Wish I could work out exactly how these models are set-up, either with ACE or without. Never really liked ACE as it removed my freedom to tinker!

Keep on trucking.


The funny thing is, in Model Convertor X, everything shows okay. I'm stumped as to how they do it.
