Captain Sim CL-130


Charter Member
Too bad this thing is such a headache - it's a beautiful texture for the old bird - but at any rate, I bought the CL-130 add-on for the CS basic pack to discover it is impossible to taxi or take off in this version of the airplane. Adding any kind of throttle at all results in an immediate severe list to one side or the other, following which the aircraft abruptly jumps to about 1,000 AGL but with the throttle setting it had while wallowing in the water. I've tried a uninstall/reinstall, the fast-paced clicking that sounded with the throttles closed is now gone, however, I get an immediate CTD once all engines are started and we go to external view. :mixedsmi:
Regarding the water control, hit the water rudder key to withdraw them, I don't have these problems unless the water rudder is deployed. Taxi steering may be possible by throttlecontrol, dunno, don't use this variant enough to be sure.

From what I've read, any cfg adjustments result in models displaying incorrectly in sim. So water rudder fixes are impossible.

I had to go in and boot up my copy of the CL-130 to see if I could replicate this problem. Although having the water rudders down on take-off does cause some issues, they are nothing like what was described in SSI01's post. Raising the water rudders on takeoff results in a smooth acceleration to liftoff in my CL-130 with no issues whatsoever. I would suspect a corrupted download if your base C-130's are working properly, and this one isn't. Like JD said, ANY changes to the aircraft.cfg usually results in the model displaying improperly. I found out the hard way too on that one too.

You know, Blackbird, that thought flitted across my mind yesterday - a corrupted download, somehow. It was confirmed in my mind when yesterday evening I went through a normal engine start-up, and wound up maxing out the throttles with no movement whatsoever on the water.

I think I'll visit the site, download it again, then reinstall the new download and see what happens.

It might be a good idea to do this with every CS download, as they seem to be a little "spotty" as regards ease of operation.
You know, Bluebird, that thought flitted across my mind yesterday - a corrupted download, somehow. It was confirmed in my mind when yesterday evening I went through a normal engine start-up, and wound up maxing out the throttles with no movement whatsoever on the water.

I think I'll visit the site, download it again, then reinstall the new download and see what happens.

It might be a good idea to do this with every CS download, as they seem to be a little "spotty" as regards ease of operation.

You know... I had a bit of a hiccup when I initially added the AC-130 to the base C-130 Pack. There was no 2D cockpit and the VC was a series of views of the gun bay area. I contacted Captain Sim and they were very helpful... giving me a different link for another AC-130, problem solved. That was a while ago when I was running FS9 on a WinXP machine. When I bought the new Jetline with Win7, I just bought the entire C-130 Pro Pack and have never had a problem since.

Glad to hear it!

The answer to my problems lay in redownloading the aircraft, then eliminating the first download and (critical step here) completely removing the CL-130 aircraft folder in the master "Aircraft" folder for FS9. Once that was done, installed the redownload and, so far, everything seems to be working fine with the CL.

Now, I wonder if this would work with the L-100-30s that have interesting problems - like no landing gear on the ground, and lose the props when you start the engines . . .
Now, I wonder if this would work with the L-100-30s that have interesting problems - like no landing gear on the ground, and lose the props when you start the engines . . .

When I had the CS C-130 installed in a different machine, I tried to go into the aircraft config and change out the smoke effect with a less frame rate intensive version. AND the very same thing happened! No propellers whilst the engines were running and no visible landing gear. Like I said... any changes to the aircraft config and you'll most likely have the same issues. I found that all re-paints for the C-130 series need to be ACE compliant.

I thought about your post. In my case, right from the start I had problems with the L-100-30 version, even the download-installed aircraft failed to show completely, and all add-ons, even those done with ACE - such as the Air Contractors versions - failed to have those parts show as well. Another corrupted original download?

Something else that is interesting - when installing textures the authors of which insist will work with ACE, I found about 1/5 of them didn't. In that case, I put up the "description.txt" file from a successful installation against a failure "description.txt," changed the failure to match the successful one, then tried another installation and they would almost always work. Show up fine in the sim, too. You can change the config info, but it's got to be done with care.

Let me see if I have to install that package a third time to see if the stretched L-100s will show up completely.:mixedsmi:
Glad to hear it!

The answer to my problems lay in redownloading the aircraft, then eliminating the first download and (critical step here) completely removing the CL-130 aircraft folder in the master "Aircraft" folder for FS9. Once that was done, installed the redownload and, so far, everything seems to be working fine with the CL.

Now, I wonder if this would work with the L-100-30s that have interesting problems - like no landing gear on the ground, and lose the props when you start the engines . . .
Mine work fine. I have the stretch 130's in the C-133 expansion folder by themselves. I moved the LC-130's (textures and models) into the main C-130 folder and manually added them to the aircraft file. The only time I have a problem is adding new "modules" like the KC-130 or the "J" model. The CS installer tends to assign the wrong model file when it compiles the aircraft config file. I also find it easier to manually add paints in the conventional way, vice using the ACE program.

That said, CS has really made this unfriendly to owners of their products. The Ace program doesn't recognize the stretch birds and as such, there is no way to have the drop tanks visible on these models. And they don't support the FS9 models at all. They'll happily take your money for them though.
