Captain Sim Sale


Jr. Admin
I just got an E-mail from Captain Sim that all their products would be 9.99 Euros for the 20th of August. I might pick up their C-130 for that price.

We are pleased to announce that exclusively at Captain Sim online store, from 00:00 to 23:59 20AUG2013 (UTC) everything is Euro 9.99! Visit us at:
Important: 24 hours only. At 23:59 20AUG2013 (UTC) all prices are back to regular. If traffic exceeds our expectations some of our servers slowdown/outage is possible during the sale event."

Nothing is showing on the web site yet about the sale, but it's still a ways off if you're in the Western Hemisphere.

Jagd --

I would look into the C-130, it's definitely worth it. I have the C-130E (original pack), the AC-130, and the C-130J. the AC-130 and the C-130J were expansion packs I grabbed from Flightsim Pilot Shop a while back. You'll definitely like that one and it will definitely be a keeper for you.


That J Model is interesting to me. I flew in and jumped from several of the C-130 models all over the world, but the J Model eluded me and now in retirement the FS 9 version is probably the only one I'll get to fly in.

The slang in the Paras and Rangers is "Juliet" for the newest 130 while all the previous models are still called "Hercules" by the troops. The "Juliet" is different enough in size, ride, vibration and prop sound to rate its own moniker.

Here's my son's stick exiting a "Juliet."
The C-130J is the only one of the Captain Sim Hercs I can't recommend, simply because of the steam driven cockpit which really lets it down. Fortunately the PAD C-130J is a pretty decent alternative, and has all those nice glass panels.
I can see where Andy's coming from, i have it myself and you get a lot of Herc for your money, i bought the box version which include's the late 60's, early 70's RAF light tan camo version's i used to see fly out of Thorney Island as a kid, but it slows down my PC somewhat, it might be a gauge issue or the textures, i hav'nt really got to the bottom of it,
Cant complain about other CS products, have both their F-104 and twin-seater Mig21, and they both get flown regular.
cheers ian
Ian -- The CS C-130 can be fairly heavy on frames, even for a capable machine. My "internet" machine has a 3.4Ghz processor, 4GB of ram, and integrated ATi Video with 1Ghz of dedicated memory, running Win7. Every now and then the C-130 will make that one shudder, when whizzing around the VC. Lots going on, I reckon. I always thought the prop textures were part of the problem too. Other than that it's smooth as butter.
And you're right about the cockpit, Andy, but you can switch out some of the standard gauges on the panel for a "semi" glass panel display with functioning gauge readouts using the "ACE" editor that came with the "J" model. Still an excellent representation of the ol' "Herkie" if you ask me... JMO.
