Captain Sim's C-130 activation


Charter Member
Has anyone been able to get Captain Sim's activation to work with their C-130 expansions in Windows Vista? Before someone chimes in with "check with Captain Sim", I started there. All they did was referred me to the process. I have already tried their process. I am looking for someone who has actually gotten it to work and what they did.

I have disabled UAC, turned off my firewall; heck, I've disabled the service. I have even tried running the install programs in Windows XP sp2 compatibility mode. I get an error 11 every time.
Vista 32 bit here, re-installed it relatively recently, with no problems. Did nothing but run the file as normal, no compatibility mode, Norton still running, etc.

sorry to be of no help what-so-ever,
I did all that; then had to turn UAC back 'on'; re-set my user account as an administrator..then turn UAC 'off' again to get it to work

**** Windows!


i Recently did a complete FS9 re-install and have not loaded the C-130 yet in the new one. But in previous installations I've had no problems whatsoever. Vista 32 on a Dell XPS 630i. All security functions ON except UAC.

I should probably clarify. I cannot get the addons (in this case, the KC-130 and C-130J) to activate.