Cardboard Spitfire!

Hey guys this is pilto but using bazzars username

Just a heads up the link paiken has linked to ( thx for finding it out quickly btw ) has some facebook shenanigans appended to it. We never track you, we trust you as we hope you trust us, so the link without facebook shenanigans is the following.

Thanks and theres a super hidden easter egg in there ... which is topical if you think about the weekend we're about to have.

I found the Easter Egg. I'd suggest others check it out, but don't spoil it. I will say it does wonders for the plane's roll rate.
Navy Chief:

1) Go to this link, download the plane, and install it in MSFS.

2) Take note of the current date in Australia, where AH is based, and the date it will be here in the US in a few hours.

3) Fly the plane and count the rivets! That part goes real quickly.
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Actually fellas we are in Queensland Australia and as of today anyway, lockdown free for Easter...:engel016:
For you guys on the other side of the ditch, it will all make sense tomorrow...:engel016:
This is one of the best things I've ever seen in Flight Sim. My friends and I put together a video to honor the majesty of this masterpiece in the most fitting place we could think of -

Thanks for the fun guys!

(Yes, we all did some 'rolls') :biggrin-new:
Looks like PMDG has upped the game with this one. 7 year development and they still haven't got the flight model right.


That's dam funny right there.

The flight model seems a bit ...flat.
This is one of the best things I've ever seen in Flight Sim. My friends and I put together a video to honor the majesty of this masterpiece in the most fitting place we could think of -

Thanks for the fun guys!

(Yes, we all did some 'rolls') :biggrin-new:

Great video! :applause: