I have it, but I don't fly it much. I like to use the autopilot for longer flights, and the one in this one is not too easy to work with. Maybe it's just me being too lazy to learn it, but it just doesn't appeal to me. It's also slower than their 182RG. As far as computer performance, it's on par with most other Carenado releases.
I like it, but I'm a fan of the type. The autopilot is certainly different, but works well enough for VFR. Be sure to check out the interior re-textures over at .to, 'cause the default cockpit textures, IMO, left a lot to be desired.
I have it and have used it more than a few times. Like Tom I do find the autopilot hard to use. Biggest thing it is missing is a way to tell it to climb to a specific altitude. So usually I just hand fly it to my cruise altitude and then turn on the AP.
Just purchased the 337 from the MarketPlace. It was one of my go-to rides in FSX and P3D. The AP is different but the altitude thing is something I've run into with other AP's as well. Once you've gained some altitude you can adjust the pitch for a particular climb rate and once you've reached your altitude just click the ALT button and you're set. If you want to change altitudes, again just turn off the ALT button set the pitch to climb or descend, wait for the preferred altitude and click the ALT button again.
The Analog Tecnam P2006T works the same way. My problem is that I tend to set up the AP and walk away to do something like empty the dishwasher. I'd end up climbing to the point where I'd just stall and crash back to the ground in a heap of virtual scrap metal!
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