Carenado bargains

So... with the big Carenado sale on until the 12/21, what's everyone going to get? At these prices, the sky's the limit!

Personally, I'm thinking of a Bonanza. Now... should I go for the V35, or the F33? Or, maybe a Centurion?

I dunno...

I have the V35 and the Mentor as well as the C185F for FS9, all are superbly modeled. I'm partial to the V35, I had an uncle in Goodland, Kansas that had one. When we went to visit, he used to let me and my brother fly it. I was interested to see how close Carenado got the FDE on their model after flying a real one.... They nailed it with exacting precision. They also did an excellent job on the C185. I have flown a C180 on numerous occasions in the real world of GA... I'm considering the C90.

Worth every penny, and at these prices, you can pick up three or four for what one normally sells for.

Thanks for the PIREP, Tom! I have both the C185 and C206, and really like them a lot. I figured out the Bounce issue with the 185, and now it's much easier to land.

I also purchased the C337, but for some reason I don't like the way it runs on my computer... maybe because it's so ancient!

Perhaps another day or two of introspection is required before I make my choice.

But like Tom said... they're priced so nicely, that maybe I'll get all three!
