Carenado C170B out

Hey all,

Does anyone here know how to get the tablet back after closing it?

I've tried finding the info in the manual but there isn't anything there!


I'm glad I bought this, it's a gem. Superb modeling, great sounds and a cockpit that would make any 50's Buick proud!
Loving the plane...excellent work
a note about cylinder head temperature gauge. Once engine started it rapidly climbs to well over 300º stops at gauge end red warning light on, and remains there for the duration of flight. Unable to find a radiator shutter control, looks there's none, and no reference in manual. This does not affect flight, at least short ones I made.
Noticed the same thing on mine. Could not find any shutter controls either. Did not show any cooling after shutdown, either.

Carenado Support, Jul 23, 2021, 22:35 GMT-4:Greetings,

Thank you for your feedback, we are aware of this issue and we are working to fix it for the next version of this aircraft.



Carenado has just announced the release of an update, version 1.1, for the C170B, which among other things reportedly fixes the CHT gauge. I still need to pick this beauty up one of these days.
Carenado has just announced the release of an update, version 1.1, for the C170B, which among other things reportedly fixes the CHT gauge. I still need to pick this beauty up one of these days.


[FONT=&quot]Version 1.1
Carenado C170B MSFS2020

[FONT=&quot]-Product updated for XBox.
-Fixed CHT engine indication.
-Fixed alternator in electrical system.
-Fixed camera position in VR.
-Fixed right side tundra wheel contact when landing.
So, I was excited to see that I could download this in the Xbox version, but the engine dies when starting on the runway and you can't get rid of the tablet (it even shows if you hide the yoke). Setting the tablet to "ready for takeoff" didn't work because you can't select the "Done" button on the tablet.

Guessing I might want to add a mouse to my Xbox while these initial glitches are worked out...
Update in the Marketplace

There's an update for the C170 in this week's development update. No details on the Carenado site but according to the manifest file this is Version 2.0 with the following changes:-

-Switched to MS pilot avatars for broader selection.
-Improved engine startup and heat effects.
-Added new liveries.
-Fixed VR Cockpit Focus and VR handling grip.
-Other minor bug fixes.