Carenado C182 RG II Released


Yeah, yeah, I know this is where us weirdos who like to fly combat planes in a non-combat sim hang out.

But we're also mostly really old. So we spent a lot of time flying the old DOS (and C64/Amiga/Apple!) versions of Flight Sim. And a lot of that time was probably in the Cessna 182 RG.

I invite anyone complaining about the state of MSFS to watch this wayback to FS98. :)

Anyway, Carenado's C182 RG II is out for $19.99 and it's beautiful, feels like it flies right, supports the GNT750Xi, and is a great nostalgic aircraft for long-time FS fans. Top screen shot is of course Meigs.

An instant buy for me, and a real sense of nostalgia with this one. The C182 RG was the first addon I ever bought from Carenado, back in the early days of FS2004.
Again I ask you, what else does a crippled 77 year-old man have to do with his $$$. Yeah, gone after mach schnell!

A simple beauty and one can personalize it too! Must go in and change that black to deep blue in the registration.

I purchased it right away and so far am very happy with it. Of course it always looks like the 182RG has bug legs when you retract in the gear but I really should in the cockpit not watching from outside.
The last single engine Cessna with a retractable gear that I bought for the sim was the Dreamfleet Cardinal. So it was about time for a new one. Carenado really did a great job with this one. Hardly any bugs and it flies and sounds just fine. And of course the excellent visuals. I also finished my first repaint for it :jump:




Other than the autopilot being on a constantly hot bus, I'd say they got this one just about right. I still wish more dev's would enable the copilot's visibility inside the cabin, but at least I can disable her visibility from the exterior so there's not a visual disconnect.
A little "VFR for England, anyway" flight from Gatwick to Heathrow...





FSEconomy picks this up as a 182, which is nice.
Update 1.0.2 released TODAY, 29 June 2023.

1. Fixed bug that prevented the creation of the documents folder.

2. Fixed snow effect passing through and into the cockpit.

3. Fixed nose gear strut crossing through the firewall.

4. Fixed condition that kept Autopilot always turned on.

5. Fixed "ALT ARM" annunciator missing when arming VS mode to target altitude.

6. Fixed sounds that were out of phase.

7. Fixed Transponder's Ident light.

8. Fixed Fuel Flow digital gauge electrical connection circuit.

9. Other minor reported bug fixes.